Millimeters to Microns (mm to micron) Conversion

1 Millimeter is equal to 1000.00 Micrometer

  • Centimeter
  • Decimeter
  • Feet
  • Inch
  • Kilometer
  • Meter
  • Micrometer
  • Millimeter
  • Yard
  • Nanometer

Convert Millimeter to Micron! How much is 1 mm to Micron? Sounding like a drill to you? Believe me! It isn’t that tough when compared to other metric conversion units. The relationship between these units makes the conversion process quite simple and easy. 

Our guide on mm to Micron conversion will not only help you convert the units but will also acquaint you with the definitions of Millimeters, Microns/Micrometers, the difference between the two, the relation, and more. So, just sit tight and keep on reading!

What is Millimeter?

A Millimeter, also spelled as Millimetre, is a unit of length measurement in the metric system. It is equal to one-thousandth of the SI base unit of length, Meter. Therefore, a Meter consists of one thousand Millimeters. Also, there are ten Millimeters in one Centimeter. 

A Millimeter is abbreviated as mm. For example, you can write 1 Millimeter as 1 mm, 2 Millimeter as 2 mm, and so on. 

One Millimeter is equivalent to 1000 Microns or Micrometers or 1000,000 Nanometers. Officially, an inch is defined as precisely 25.4 Millimeters, therefore a Millimeter is equivalent to accurately 5/127 which is approximately 0.03937 of an inch. 

Unlike Inches and Centimeters that can be measured with a tape or ruler, you will need a high-quality engineering ruler or digital calliper for measuring the length of objects in mm. 

Current Use of Millimeter

Millimeters are employed to map very small but visible-scale length and distances. Based on the real-world comparisons, a Millimeter is roughly equal to the size of wire in a standard paper clip. Moreover, the unit is used worldwide. 

What is Micron or Micrometer?

It’s a unit of length that is precisely equal to one-millionth of a meter. A Micron is utilized in various scientific as well as technological applications. Micron is also known as Micrometer. In fact, Micron is an old nomenclature for Micrometer. It is employed to measure the length of elements with extremely smaller denominations or those at the microscopic level. 

Micron is denoted as μ and it is equivalent to 0.001 Millimeters. 

Current Use of Microns

The micrometer is used for measuring the diameter or thickness of several microscopic items including colloidal particles and microorganisms. 

Relation between MM and Microns

Millimeters are Microns share a very simple relationship with each other. A Micron contains 0.001 Millimeters or a Millimeter comprises 1000 Microns. 

So, you have to remember the following relationship between mm and µ:

1 Micron = 0.001 Millimeters, and

1 Millimeter = 1000 Microns. 

How to Convert mm to Micron?

Before you really start converting Millimeters to Micrometers, it’s crucial to remember the relationship between the two. In the above section, we saw that 1 mm = 1000 µ and 1 µ = 0.001 mm. 

To convert the value of mm into Micron, you need to multiply the value in mm by 1000. This will revert you to the value in Microns. And the process is complete.   

So, did it appear complex? Of course not! 

Following this simple process, we can convert any value of mm to Micrometers. To ensure you don’t get puzzled at any step, we have described the formula and solved a few examples. We hope this helps you understand the calculation better. 

MM to Microns Formula & Examples

From the above section, we learned that converting Millimeters to Microns is quite simple. Simply multiply the value of millimeters by 1000 and the resulting value would be in Microns or Micrometers. 

Mathematically, the formula for converting mm to µ would be-

Microns, µ = value in Millimeters x 1000

Let us understand it clearly with the help of a few examples- 

Example 1: Convert 0.01 mm to Micron

Sol: Putting the value of mm into the formula given above, we will get-

Microns, µ = 0.01 x 1000 = 10 Microns. 

Therefore, 0.01 Millimeter is equivalent to 10 Microns. 

Example 2: Convert 0.1 mm to Micron

Sol: Just like above, 

Micron = 0.1 x 1000 = 100 Microns. 

Therefore, 0.1 mm is equal to 100 Millimeters. 

Example 3: Convert 0.001 mm to Micron.

Sol: Repeating the same step as above, we will get-

Micron = 0.001 x 1000 = 1 Micron.

Therefore 0.001 Millimeter is equivalent to 1 Micron.  

MM to Microns Conversion Table

If you are seeking a way to escape from the conversion calculations, this table will definitely help up to some extent. Have a run through the same: 

Millimeters[mm] Micrometers[µm] Millimeters to Micrometers[mm to µm]
1 mm 1000 µm 1 Millimeter is equal to 1000 Micrometers
2 mm 2000 µm 2 Millimeters is equal to 2000 Micrometers
3 mm 3000 µm 3 Millimeters is equal to 3000 Micrometers
4 mm 4000 µm 4 Millimeters is equal to 4000 Micrometers
5 mm 5000 µm 5 Millimeters is equal to 5000 Micrometers
6 mm 6000 µm 6 Millimeters is equal to 6000 Micrometers
7 mm 7000 µm 7 Millimeters is equal to 7000 Micrometers
8 mm 8000 µm 8 Millimeters is equal to 8000 Micrometers
9 mm 9000 µm 9 Millimeters is equal to 9000 Micrometers
10 mm 10000 µm 10 Millimeters is equal to 10000 Micrometers
11 mm 11000 µm 11 Millimeters is equal to 11000 Micrometers
12 mm 12000 µm 12 Millimeters is equal to 12000 Micrometers
13 mm 13000 µm 13 Millimeters is equal to 13000 Micrometers
14 mm 14000 µm 14 Millimeters is equal to 14000 Micrometers
15 mm 15000 µm 15 Millimeters is equal to 15000 Micrometers
16 mm 16000 µm 16 Millimeters is equal to 16000 Micrometers
17 mm 17000 µm 17 Millimeters is equal to 17000 Micrometers
18 mm 18000 µm 18 Millimeters is equal to 18000 Micrometers
19 mm 19000 µm 19 Millimeters is equal to 19000 Micrometers
20 mm 20000 µm 20 Millimeters is equal to 20000 Micrometers
21 mm 21000 µm 21 Millimeters is equal to 21000 Micrometers
22 mm 22000 µm 22 Millimeters is equal to 22000 Micrometers
23 mm 23000 µm 23 Millimeters is equal to 23000 Micrometers
24 mm 24000 µm 24 Millimeters is equal to 24000 Micrometers
25 mm 25000 µm 25 Millimeters is equal to 25000 Micrometers
26 mm 26000 µm 26 Millimeters is equal to 26000 Micrometers
27 mm 27000 µm 27 Millimeters is equal to 27000 Micrometers
28 mm 28000 µm 28 Millimeters is equal to 28000 Micrometers
29 mm 29000 µm 29 Millimeters is equal to 29000 Micrometers
30 mm 30000 µm 30 Millimeters is equal to 30000 Micrometers
31 mm 31000 µm 31 Millimeters is equal to 31000 Micrometers
32 mm 32000 µm 32 Millimeters is equal to 32000 Micrometers
33 mm 33000 µm 33 Millimeters is equal to 33000 Micrometers
34 mm 34000 µm 34 Millimeters is equal to 34000 Micrometers
35 mm 35000 µm 35 Millimeters is equal to 35000 Micrometers
36 mm 36000 µm 36 Millimeters is equal to 36000 Micrometers
37 mm 37000 µm 37 Millimeters is equal to 37000 Micrometers
38 mm 38000 µm 38 Millimeters is equal to 38000 Micrometers
39 mm 39000 µm 39 Millimeters is equal to 39000 Micrometers
40 mm 40000 µm 40 Millimeters is equal to 40000 Micrometers
41 mm 41000 µm 41 Millimeters is equal to 41000 Micrometers
42 mm 42000 µm 42 Millimeters is equal to 42000 Micrometers
43 mm 43000 µm 43 Millimeters is equal to 43000 Micrometers
44 mm 44000 µm 44 Millimeters is equal to 44000 Micrometers
45 mm 45000 µm 45 Millimeters is equal to 45000 Micrometers
46 mm 46000 µm 46 Millimeters is equal to 46000 Micrometers
47 mm 47000 µm 47 Millimeters is equal to 47000 Micrometers
48 mm 48000 µm 48 Millimeters is equal to 48000 Micrometers
49 mm 49000 µm 49 Millimeters is equal to 49000 Micrometers
50 mm 50000 µm 50 Millimeters is equal to 50000 Micrometers
51 mm 51000 µm 51 Millimeters is equal to 51000 Micrometers
52 mm 52000 µm 52 Millimeters is equal to 52000 Micrometers
53 mm 53000 µm 53 Millimeters is equal to 53000 Micrometers
54 mm 54000 µm 54 Millimeters is equal to 54000 Micrometers
55 mm 55000 µm 55 Millimeters is equal to 55000 Micrometers
56 mm 56000 µm 56 Millimeters is equal to 56000 Micrometers
57 mm 57000 µm 57 Millimeters is equal to 57000 Micrometers
58 mm 58000 µm 58 Millimeters is equal to 58000 Micrometers
59 mm 59000 µm 59 Millimeters is equal to 59000 Micrometers
60 mm 60000 µm 60 Millimeters is equal to 60000 Micrometers
61 mm 61000 µm 61 Millimeters is equal to 61000 Micrometers
62 mm 62000 µm 62 Millimeters is equal to 62000 Micrometers
63 mm 63000 µm 63 Millimeters is equal to 63000 Micrometers
64 mm 64000 µm 64 Millimeters is equal to 64000 Micrometers
65 mm 65000 µm 65 Millimeters is equal to 65000 Micrometers
66 mm 66000 µm 66 Millimeters is equal to 66000 Micrometers
67 mm 67000 µm 67 Millimeters is equal to 67000 Micrometers
68 mm 68000 µm 68 Millimeters is equal to 68000 Micrometers
69 mm 69000 µm 69 Millimeters is equal to 69000 Micrometers
70 mm 70000 µm 70 Millimeters is equal to 70000 Micrometers
71 mm 71000 µm 71 Millimeters is equal to 71000 Micrometers
72 mm 72000 µm 72 Millimeters is equal to 72000 Micrometers
73 mm 73000 µm 73 Millimeters is equal to 73000 Micrometers
74 mm 74000 µm 74 Millimeters is equal to 74000 Micrometers
75 mm 75000 µm 75 Millimeters is equal to 75000 Micrometers
76 mm 76000 µm 76 Millimeters is equal to 76000 Micrometers
77 mm 77000 µm 77 Millimeters is equal to 77000 Micrometers
78 mm 78000 µm 78 Millimeters is equal to 78000 Micrometers
79 mm 79000 µm 79 Millimeters is equal to 79000 Micrometers
80 mm 80000 µm 80 Millimeters is equal to 80000 Micrometers
81 mm 81000 µm 81 Millimeters is equal to 81000 Micrometers
82 mm 82000 µm 82 Millimeters is equal to 82000 Micrometers
83 mm 83000 µm 83 Millimeters is equal to 83000 Micrometers
84 mm 84000 µm 84 Millimeters is equal to 84000 Micrometers
85 mm 85000 µm 85 Millimeters is equal to 85000 Micrometers
86 mm 86000 µm 86 Millimeters is equal to 86000 Micrometers
87 mm 87000 µm 87 Millimeters is equal to 87000 Micrometers
88 mm 88000 µm 88 Millimeters is equal to 88000 Micrometers
89 mm 89000 µm 89 Millimeters is equal to 89000 Micrometers
90 mm 90000 µm 90 Millimeters is equal to 90000 Micrometers
91 mm 91000 µm 91 Millimeters is equal to 91000 Micrometers
92 mm 92000 µm 92 Millimeters is equal to 92000 Micrometers
93 mm 93000 µm 93 Millimeters is equal to 93000 Micrometers
94 mm 94000 µm 94 Millimeters is equal to 94000 Micrometers
95 mm 95000 µm 95 Millimeters is equal to 95000 Micrometers
96 mm 96000 µm 96 Millimeters is equal to 96000 Micrometers
97 mm 97000 µm 97 Millimeters is equal to 97000 Micrometers
98 mm 98000 µm 98 Millimeters is equal to 98000 Micrometers
99 mm 99000 µm 99 Millimeters is equal to 99000 Micrometers
100 mm 100000 µm 100 Millimeters is equal to 100000 Micrometers

Difference between Millimeters and Micrometers

Millimeters and Micrometers both rhyme with each other but they are quite different. Undeniably, both the units are used to measure the length of smaller objects but their applications differ for a different object. While the former has applications in measuring diameters of tiny objects that are visible, the other is used to compute minute things at micro-levels. Apart from their application, they differ from each other on various other grounds. They are as follows:

Basis of Comparison                     Millimeters Micrometers (Micron)
Symbol                            mm         µ
Definition A Millimeter also spelled as Millimetre, is a unit of length measurement in the metric system. It is equal to one-thousandth of the SI base unit of length, Meter.  A Micrometer is equivalent to 1/1000000th of a regular meter. It is also called a Micron. It is used whenever smaller denominations are required for measuring length.
Formula 1 mm = 1000 µ 1 µ = 0.001 mm
Size A Millimeter is a thousand times bigger than a Micron. A Micron is a thousand times smaller than an mm.  
Origin The Millimeter is derived from the French ‘Millimeter’ and is a combination of two words ‘milli’ and ‘Meter’. It is one-thousandth part of a meter.   The word micrometer is a combination of two words ‘Micron’ which is derived from the Greek word ‘Mikron’, and Meter- the SI base unit of length. 
Applicability Used as a prefix to the SI base unit of length, meter.  Used as a prefix to the SI base unit of length, Meter. 
Use Millimeters are employed to map very small but visible-scale length and distances. The micrometer is used for measuring the diameter or thickness of several microscopic items including colloidal particles and microorganisms. 
1 inch to cm 1 m to inch
1 meter to cm feet to cm
inch to meter 1m to feet
inches to microns 1 cm to Micrometer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is meant by 1 Micron?

1 Micron is equivalent to one-millionth of a meter. In terms of Millimeters, a Micron is equal to 0.001 Millimeters. 

How to convert MM to Micron?

To convert MM to Micron, you need to multiply the value of MM by 1000. The resulting value would be in Microns.
For example: Convert 10 mm to Micron.
Sol: As we know, Micron = value of mm x 1000.
Therefore, 10 mm to Micron = 10 x 1000 = 10,000 Micron.

How many Microns are in a MM?

There are 1000 Microns in a MM.

What is the difference between MM and Micron?

Millimeters and Microns differ from each other on various grounds. While the former is used to measure the small but visible distance and length, the latter is employed for estimating the diameters or length of objects at the microscopic level. Besides, a Millimeter is a thousand times larger than a Micron. For more differences, have a look at the table above in the blog. 

What is 0.2 mm in Micrometers (μm)?

As we know, 1 mm into Micron is equal to 1000 Micrometers. Therefore,
0.2 mm to μm = 0.2 x 1000 = 200 Microns.
Hence, 0.2 mm is equal to 200 Micrometers. 

Is a micrometer a Micron?

 Yes, a Micrometer and a Micron are the same things. The Micrometer is the new name for Micron. Both of them are one millionth part of a meter. 

Khushboo Priya A spellbinding fictional story of a classic novel clasps Khusboo in the whimsical world of la-la land. But what keeps her away from the world of illusion is physics; a physicist and poet at heart, she expresses her love language in physics and writing. Though writing happened to her accidentally but when it did, she took the pen in her hands and started painting the sky with different colours.
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