Square Kilometer to Hectare Conversion: (sq km to hectare) Calculator

1 Square Kilometer is equal to 100.00 Hectare

  • Square Feet
  • Square Meter
  • Acre
  • Hectare
  • Square Centimeter
  • Square Kilometer
  • Square Gaj
  • Kanal
  • Bigha
  • Biswa
  • Biswa Kacha
  • Killa
  • Lessa
  • Dhur
  • Pura
  • Chatak
  • Marla
  • Square Yard
  • Square Mile
  • Ground
  • Decimal
  • Katha
  • Cent
  • Murabba
  • Square Inch
  • Guntha
  • Square Karam
  • Ares
  • Dismil

Be it the conversion of Square Kilometer to Hectare ( sq km to hectare) or Hectare to Acre, it always sounds perplexing. Right? Fret not! We understand your emotions and know how frightening they could appear sometimes. But you really don’t need to worry because this blog is going to teach you how to convert sq km to Hectare in a very simplified way.

So, without any further ado, let’s find out the easiest way to convert these metric units. We will start with the definition of Square Kilometer.

What is Square Kilometer?

Square Kilometer is a unit for measuring an area that is equivalent to a square measuring a Kilometer on every side. The abbreviation used for the Square Kilometer is represented as Sq. Km and km2. Square Kilometer is used as an SI unit for surface area.

The spelling used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures is Square Kilometre while the unit is spelled out as Square Kilometer in the U.S. as well.

A Square Kilometer is equivalent to 100 Hectares, 1,000,000 Square Meters, 247.1 Acres, and 0.3861 square miles. The unit is used for describing the breadth and length of countries and cities alike.

India already has a total area standing at 3,287,263 Square Kilometers in total.

The Old City of Jerusalem for instance, measures about a Square Kilometer. Several medieval cities in Europe measured approximately a Square Kilometer within their walls.

Some of the most famous global parks are equivalent to a Square Kilometer by way of area, namely the Brierley Forest Park and Kiest Park while golf courses such as the Trophy Club in the U.S. and Manchester Golf Club in the UK also measure almost a Square Kilometer.

Current Use of Square Kilometer

A Square Kilometer is officially used for measuring the surface area of mainly vast areas such as cities, towns, countries, etc. Also, since it’s the SI unit, it is used across the globe.

What is Hectare?

Hectare is a measurement unit that is used for measuring the land area and plot areas throughout the world. The unit lies within the aegis of the metric system.

It is written in the form of the symbol ha. Hectare was first formulated in the year 1795 and is a conjunction for the words hect and area which are Latin.

One Hectare is equivalent to 10,000 Square Meters and 2.471 Acres within the aegis of the British Imperial System. 100 ha is equivalent to a Square Kilometer.

A farm that has fields measuring approximately 200 ha in space will be equivalent to 2 Square Kilometers. 1 Hectare will be equivalent to 107,639 square feet and 11,959 square yards along with 100 are.

Hectare is the metric unit for square measurement purposes and is derived by the addition of the prefix to the original area measurement base unit, namely are. One area works out to 100 square meters while a Hectare works out to 100 Ares.

Hectare is not an SI unit although it is the sole named unit for area which is acceptable globally for usage in conjunction with SI units of measurement.

The International Committee for Weights and Measures has already issued its classification of Hectares as the non-SI unit for acceptable usage with global systems of units in the bargain.

Current Use of Hectare

This land measurement unit is mostly used throughout countries like Canada, Burma, Australia, India, European Union, UK and the U.S.

The Hectare is known as Manzana in Argentina while it is known as Gong Qing in China and also by Jerib in Iran. It is called Djerib in Turkey and also Bunder in the Netherlands.

It is one of the most important units for measuring bigger plots and land tracts alike.

Relation between Square Kilometer and Hectare

Unlike relations between various other units, the relationship between Square Kilometer and Hectare is quite simple to work out.

1 Hectare is equal to 0.01 Square Kilometer while 1 Square Kilometer is equal to 100 Hectares.

Mathematically, the relationship between the two can be expressed as:

1 Sq Km = 100 Hectare, and

1 Hectare = 0.01 Sq Km

Just remember these equations. It will help you carry out the conversion process in a very seamless manner.

Now that you know the relationship between the two, let us have a look at the conversion table. It will save you from the calculation process.

Square Km to Hectares Conversion Table

Square Kilometers Hectares Square Kilometers to Hectares
1 km² 100 ha 1 Square Kilometers is equal to 100 Hectares
2 km² 200 ha 2 Square Kilometers is equal to 200 Hectares
3 km² 300 ha 3 Square Kilometers is equal to 300 Hectares
4 km² 400 ha 4 Square Kilometers is equal to 400 Hectares
5 km² 500 ha 5 Square Kilometers is equal to 500 Hectares
6 km² 600 ha 6 Square Kilometers is equal to 600 Hectares
7 km² 700 ha 7 Square Kilometers is equal to 700 Hectares
8 km² 800 ha 8 Square Kilometers is equal to 800 Hectares
9 km² 900 ha 9 Square Kilometers is equal to 900 Hectares
10 km² 1000 ha 10 Square Kilometers is equal to 1000 Hectares
11 km² 1100 ha 11 Square Kilometers is equal to 1100 Hectares
12 km² 1200 ha 12 Square Kilometers is equal to 1200 Hectares
13 km² 1300 ha 13 Square Kilometers is equal to 1300 Hectares
14 km² 1400 ha 14 Square Kilometers is equal to 1400 Hectares
15 km² 1500 ha 15 Square Kilometers is equal to 1500 Hectares
16 km² 1600 ha 16 Square Kilometers is equal to 1600 Hectares
17 km² 1700 ha 17 Square Kilometers is equal to 1700 Hectares
18 km² 1800 ha 18 Square Kilometers is equal to 1800 Hectares
19 km² 1900 ha 19 Square Kilometers is equal to 1900 Hectares
20 km² 2000 ha 20 Square Kilometers is equal to 2000 Hectares
21 km² 2100 ha 21 Square Kilometers is equal to 2100 Hectares
22 km² 2200 ha 22 Square Kilometers is equal to 2200 Hectares
23 km² 2300 ha 23 Square Kilometers is equal to 2300 Hectares
24 km² 2400 ha 24 Square Kilometers is equal to 2400 Hectares
25 km² 2500 ha 25 Square Kilometers is equal to 2500 Hectares
26 km² 2600 ha 26 Square Kilometers is equal to 2600 Hectares
27 km² 2700 ha 27 Square Kilometers is equal to 2700 Hectares
28 km² 2800 ha 28 Square Kilometers is equal to 2800 Hectares
29 km² 2900 ha 29 Square Kilometers is equal to 2900 Hectares
30 km² 3000 ha 30 Square Kilometers is equal to 3000 Hectares
31 km² 3100 ha 31 Square Kilometers is equal to 3100 Hectares
32 km² 3200 ha 32 Square Kilometers is equal to 3200 Hectares
33 km² 3300 ha 33 Square Kilometers is equal to 3300 Hectares
34 km² 3400 ha 34 Square Kilometers is equal to 3400 Hectares
35 km² 3500 ha 35 Square Kilometers is equal to 3500 Hectares
36 km² 3600 ha 36 Square Kilometers is equal to 3600 Hectares
37 km² 3700 ha 37 Square Kilometers is equal to 3700 Hectares
38 km² 3800 ha 38 Square Kilometers is equal to 3800 Hectares
39 km² 3900 ha 39 Square Kilometers is equal to 3900 Hectares
40 km² 4000 ha 40 Square Kilometers is equal to 4000 Hectares
41 km² 4100 ha 41 Square Kilometers is equal to 4100 Hectares
42 km² 4200 ha 42 Square Kilometers is equal to 4200 Hectares
43 km² 4300 ha 43 Square Kilometers is equal to 4300 Hectares
44 km² 4400 ha 44 Square Kilometers is equal to 4400 Hectares
45 km² 4500 ha 45 Square Kilometers is equal to 4500 Hectares
46 km² 4600 ha 46 Square Kilometers is equal to 4600 Hectares
47 km² 4700 ha 47 Square Kilometers is equal to 4700 Hectares
48 km² 4800 ha 48 Square Kilometers is equal to 4800 Hectares
49 km² 4900 ha 49 Square Kilometers is equal to 4900 Hectares
50 km² 5000 ha 50 Square Kilometers is equal to 5000 Hectares
51 km² 5100 ha 51 Square Kilometers is equal to 5100 Hectares
52 km² 5200 ha 52 Square Kilometers is equal to 5200 Hectares
53 km² 5300 ha 53 Square Kilometers is equal to 5300 Hectares
54 km² 5400 ha 54 Square Kilometers is equal to 5400 Hectares
55 km² 5500 ha 55 Square Kilometers is equal to 5500 Hectares
56 km² 5600 ha 56 Square Kilometers is equal to 5600 Hectares
57 km² 5700 ha 57 Square Kilometers is equal to 5700 Hectares
58 km² 5800 ha 58 Square Kilometers is equal to 5800 Hectares
59 km² 5900 ha 59 Square Kilometers is equal to 5900 Hectares
60 km² 6000 ha 60 Square Kilometers is equal to 6000 Hectares
61 km² 6100 ha 61 Square Kilometers is equal to 6100 Hectares
62 km² 6200 ha 62 Square Kilometers is equal to 6200 Hectares
63 km² 6300 ha 63 Square Kilometers is equal to 6300 Hectares
64 km² 6400 ha 64 Square Kilometers is equal to 6400 Hectares
65 km² 6500 ha 65 Square Kilometers is equal to 6500 Hectares
66 km² 6600 ha 66 Square Kilometers is equal to 6600 Hectares
67 km² 6700 ha 67 Square Kilometers is equal to 6700 Hectares
68 km² 6800 ha 68 Square Kilometers is equal to 6800 Hectares
69 km² 6900 ha 69 Square Kilometers is equal to 6900 Hectares
70 km² 7000 ha 70 Square Kilometers is equal to 7000 Hectares
71 km² 7100 ha 71 Square Kilometers is equal to 7100 Hectares
72 km² 7200 ha 72 Square Kilometers is equal to 7200 Hectares
73 km² 7300 ha 73 Square Kilometers is equal to 7300 Hectares
74 km² 7400 ha 74 Square Kilometers is equal to 7400 Hectares
75 km² 7500 ha 75 Square Kilometers is equal to 7500 Hectares
76 km² 7600 ha 76 Square Kilometers is equal to 7600 Hectares
77 km² 7700 ha 77 Square Kilometers is equal to 7700 Hectares
78 km² 7800 ha 78 Square Kilometers is equal to 7800 Hectares
79 km² 7900 ha 79 Square Kilometers is equal to 7900 Hectares
80 km² 8000 ha 80 Square Kilometers is equal to 8000 Hectares
81 km² 8100 ha 81 Square Kilometers is equal to 8100 Hectares
82 km² 8200 ha 82 Square Kilometers is equal to 8200 Hectares
83 km² 8300 ha 83 Square Kilometers is equal to 8300 Hectares
84 km² 8400 ha 84 Square Kilometers is equal to 8400 Hectares
85 km² 8500 ha 85 Square Kilometers is equal to 8500 Hectares
86 km² 8600 ha 86 Square Kilometers is equal to 8600 Hectares
87 km² 8700 ha 87 Square Kilometers is equal to 8700 Hectares
88 km² 8800 ha 88 Square Kilometers is equal to 8800 Hectares
89 km² 8900 ha 89 Square Kilometers is equal to 8900 Hectares
90 km² 9000 ha 90 Square Kilometers is equal to 9000 Hectares
91 km² 9100 ha 91 Square Kilometers is equal to 9100 Hectares
92 km² 9200 ha 92 Square Kilometers is equal to 9200 Hectares
93 km² 9300 ha 93 Square Kilometers is equal to 9300 Hectares
94 km² 9400 ha 94 Square Kilometers is equal to 9400 Hectares
95 km² 9500 ha 95 Square Kilometers is equal to 9500 Hectares
96 km² 9600 ha 96 Square Kilometers is equal to 9600 Hectares
97 km² 9700 ha 97 Square Kilometers is equal to 9700 Hectares
98 km² 9800 ha 98 Square Kilometers is equal to 9800 Hectares
99 km² 9900 ha 99 Square Kilometers is equal to 9900 Hectares
100 km² 10000 ha 100 Square Kilometers is equal to 10000 Hectares

How to Convert Sq Km to Hectare

Following the above relations, you can easily convert square km to ha. All you need to do is to multiply the value of Square Kilometer by 100. The process will revert you with the value in Hectare.

Wasn’t it simple?

Yes, it surely was. But let us understand it better with the help of a mathematical formula and examples.

Square Km to Hectares: Formula and Examples

What we studied above is exactly what we have to represent in a mathematical form. Therefore, the formula to convert Square Kilometers to Hectares will be written as-

Hectare = value of Sq Km x 100

Now, let us solve a few examples of the same. It will give a better understanding of the conversion process.

Example 1: Convert 2 Square Kilometer into Hectares

Sol: Putting the value of Sq Km into the above formula, we will get

Hectare = 2 x 100 = 200 Hectares.

Therefore, 2 Square Kilometers is equivalent to 200 Hectares.

Example 2: Convert 4.5 Square Kilometer into Hectares

Sol: Similar to above,

Hectare = 4.5 Sq Km x 100 = 450 Hectares.

Therefore, 4.5 Square Kilometer is equivalent to 450 Hectares.

Example 3: Convert 80 Square Kilometer into Hectare

Sol: Putting the value of Square Kilometer into the formula above, we will get-

Hectare = 80 Sq Km x 100 = 8000 Hectares.

Hence, 80 Square Kilometers is equivalent to 8000 Hectares.

Difference between Square Kilometer and Hectare

Irrespective of the fact that both these units are used to measure the length, they differ from each other on various grounds. Have a look at the table below to find the distinctions between the two:

Basis of Comparison Square Kilometer Hectare
Symbol Sq Km, km2 ha
Definition Square Kilometer is a unit for measuring area which is equivalent to a square that measures a kilometer on every side. Hectare is a measurement unit within the aegis of the metric system that is used for measuring land area and plot areas throughout the world.
Relation 1 Sq Km = 100 Hectares 1 Hectare = 0.01 Sq Km
Size A Square Kilometer is bigger than a Hectare. A Hectare is 100 times smaller than a Square Kilometer.
Use A Square Kilometer is mostly used to measure the surface areas of big vast surfaces such as cities, states, etc. It is mainly used to measure the size of land and plot globally.

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Frequently Asked Questions Sq Km to Hectare

What is 1km by 1km in Hectares?

1 km by 1 km means 1 Square Kilometers. In Hectares, 1 km by 1 km is equal to 100 Hectares.

How many Hectares are there in a Square Kilometer?

There are 100 Hectares in a Square Kilometer.

Is a Square Kilometer bigger than a Hectare?

Yes, a Square Kilometer is bigger than a Hectare as 1 km2 = 100 Hectares.

Which is bigger km or Hectare?

From the relation between Kilometer and Hectare, i.e. 1 Sq. KM is equal to 100 Hectare, it’s clear that a Kilometer is bigger than a Hectare.

Khushboo Priya A spellbinding fictional story of a classic novel clasps Khusboo in the whimsical world of la-la land. But what keeps her away from the world of illusion is physics; a physicist and poet at heart, she expresses her love language in physics and writing. Though writing happened to her accidentally but when it did, she took the pen in her hands and started painting the sky with different colours.
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