Square Feet to Guntha Conversion

1 Square Feet is equal to 0.00 Guntha

  • Square Feet
  • Square Meter
  • Acre
  • Hectare
  • Square Centimeter
  • Square Kilometer
  • Square Gaj
  • Kanal
  • Bigha
  • Biswa
  • Biswa Kacha
  • Killa
  • Lessa
  • Dhur
  • Pura
  • Chatak
  • Marla
  • Square Yard
  • Square Mile
  • Ground
  • Decimal
  • Katha
  • Cent
  • Murabba
  • Square Inch
  • Guntha
  • Square Karam
  • Ares
  • Dismil

How to Convert from Square Feet to Guntha

Now that you know 1 gunta in square feet and the reverse figures, you can easily undertake the conversion procedure without any hassles whatsoever. You already know that 1 square foot is equivalent to 0.0009182736455 guntha. You can thus work out the conversion figure by multiplying the figure in square feet by 0.0009182736455 to obtain the final figure in guntha.

Relation between Square Feet and Guntha

The relationship of square feet to guntha is not hard to figure out, provided you know the crucial figures and values. You can always use an online square feet to gunta calculator. An online square feet to guntha calculator may be used as mentioned although you can also do it yourself if you have to execute a transaction swiftly. 1 guntha to square feet is equivalent to 1089 square feet while 1 square foot is equivalent to 0.0009182736455 guntha.

What is Square Foot?

Square Foot has been defined as the area of a square which has sides of 1 foot each. It is a non-metric unit that is used commonly throughout the world for property measurements, majorly for flats or apartments. Square foot comes with numerous abbreviations including ft2, sf and sq. ft. among others. The term itself is written as square feet in the plural form. Square foot is used for mapping area at the time of buying properties. There are several countries where square foot is commonly used including the U.S. (United States) and UK (United Kingdom) along with India, Canada, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Ghana, Malaysia, Liberia, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Singapore.

This unit is commonly used throughout the real estate and architecture industries and is commonly used for indicating space in the Indian real estate sector along with several other global countries. Sizes and area of apartments or flats are usually indicated on the basis of square feet. While buying apartments, buyers have to make sure that square footage given by real estate developers is absolutely accurate. Home sizes are usually worked out with the help of laser-based devices in the recent scenario. Square foot is a non-metric unit and the linear-unit conversion factor should be squared while conversion is being done between metric units of area like meters squared or square centimeters and square feet. 1 square foot contains 0.11 square yards, 144 square inches and 0.0929 square meters in total. Square feet are used predominantly in the real estate and property sectors throughout the whole world.

What is Guntha?

Guntha or Gunta is a unit that is used for measurement of land area. The unit is majorly used for measuring size/area of land while being extensively used in several countries like India and other South Asian nations such as Pakistan. It is majorly used in States like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha and Karnataka among others. It is used comprehensively for measuring smaller plots or individual land parcels. 1 Guntha is equivalent to approximately 1, 089 square feet on average or 33 ft x 33 ft.

Formula for Converting Square Feet to Guntha

The formula for converting square feet to guntha is outlined below for your perusal:

Guntha = Square Feet * 0.0009182736455.

This formula has to be just used for undertaking this conversion procedure smoothly and without any difficulties.

Square Feet to Guntha Conversion Table

Square Feet Guntha Square Feet to Guntha
1 Square Feet 0.0009182736455 Guntha 1 Square Feet is equal to 0.0009182736455 Guntha
2 Square Feet 0.001836547291 Guntha 2 Square Feet is equal to 0.001836547291 Guntha
3 Square Feet 0.0027548209365 Guntha 3 Square Feet is equal to 0.0027548209365 Guntha
4 Square Feet 0.003673094582 Guntha 4 Square Feet is equal to 0.003673094582 Guntha
5 Square Feet 0.0045913682275 Guntha 5 Square Feet is equal to 0.0045913682275 Guntha
6 Square Feet 0.005509641873 Guntha 6 Square Feet is equal to 0.005509641873 Guntha
7 Square Feet 0.0064279155185 Guntha 7 Square Feet is equal to 0.0064279155185 Guntha
8 Square Feet 0.007346189164 Guntha 8 Square Feet is equal to 0.007346189164 Guntha
9 Square Feet 0.0082644628095 Guntha 9 Square Feet is equal to 0.0082644628095 Guntha
10 Square Feet 0.009182736455 Guntha 10 Square Feet is equal to 0.009182736455 Guntha
11 Square Feet 0.0101010101005 Guntha 11 Square Feet is equal to 0.0101010101005 Guntha
12 Square Feet 0.011019283746 Guntha 12 Square Feet is equal to 0.011019283746 Guntha
13 Square Feet 0.0119375573915 Guntha 13 Square Feet is equal to 0.0119375573915 Guntha
14 Square Feet 0.012855831037 Guntha 14 Square Feet is equal to 0.012855831037 Guntha
15 Square Feet 0.0137741046825 Guntha 15 Square Feet is equal to 0.0137741046825 Guntha
16 Square Feet 0.014692378328 Guntha 16 Square Feet is equal to 0.014692378328 Guntha
17 Square Feet 0.0156106519735 Guntha 17 Square Feet is equal to 0.0156106519735 Guntha
18 Square Feet 0.016528925619 Guntha 18 Square Feet is equal to 0.016528925619 Guntha
19 Square Feet 0.0174471992645 Guntha 19 Square Feet is equal to 0.0174471992645 Guntha
20 Square Feet 0.01836547291 Guntha 20 Square Feet is equal to 0.01836547291 Guntha
21 Square Feet 0.0192837465555 Guntha 21 Square Feet is equal to 0.0192837465555 Guntha
22 Square Feet 0.020202020201 Guntha 22 Square Feet is equal to 0.020202020201 Guntha
23 Square Feet 0.0211202938465 Guntha 23 Square Feet is equal to 0.0211202938465 Guntha
24 Square Feet 0.022038567492 Guntha 24 Square Feet is equal to 0.022038567492 Guntha
25 Square Feet 0.0229568411375 Guntha 25 Square Feet is equal to 0.0229568411375 Guntha
26 Square Feet 0.023875114783 Guntha 26 Square Feet is equal to 0.023875114783 Guntha
27 Square Feet 0.0247933884285 Guntha 27 Square Feet is equal to 0.0247933884285 Guntha
28 Square Feet 0.025711662074 Guntha 28 Square Feet is equal to 0.025711662074 Guntha
29 Square Feet 0.0266299357195 Guntha 29 Square Feet is equal to 0.0266299357195 Guntha
30 Square Feet 0.027548209365 Guntha 30 Square Feet is equal to 0.027548209365 Guntha
31 Square Feet 0.0284664830105 Guntha 31 Square Feet is equal to 0.0284664830105 Guntha
32 Square Feet 0.029384756656 Guntha 32 Square Feet is equal to 0.029384756656 Guntha
33 Square Feet 0.0303030303015 Guntha 33 Square Feet is equal to 0.0303030303015 Guntha
34 Square Feet 0.031221303947 Guntha 34 Square Feet is equal to 0.031221303947 Guntha
35 Square Feet 0.0321395775925 Guntha 35 Square Feet is equal to 0.0321395775925 Guntha
36 Square Feet 0.033057851238 Guntha 36 Square Feet is equal to 0.033057851238 Guntha
37 Square Feet 0.0339761248835 Guntha 37 Square Feet is equal to 0.0339761248835 Guntha
38 Square Feet 0.034894398529 Guntha 38 Square Feet is equal to 0.034894398529 Guntha
39 Square Feet 0.0358126721745 Guntha 39 Square Feet is equal to 0.0358126721745 Guntha
40 Square Feet 0.03673094582 Guntha 40 Square Feet is equal to 0.03673094582 Guntha
41 Square Feet 0.0376492194655 Guntha 41 Square Feet is equal to 0.0376492194655 Guntha
42 Square Feet 0.038567493111 Guntha 42 Square Feet is equal to 0.038567493111 Guntha
43 Square Feet 0.0394857667565 Guntha 43 Square Feet is equal to 0.0394857667565 Guntha
44 Square Feet 0.040404040402 Guntha 44 Square Feet is equal to 0.040404040402 Guntha
45 Square Feet 0.0413223140475 Guntha 45 Square Feet is equal to 0.0413223140475 Guntha
46 Square Feet 0.042240587693 Guntha 46 Square Feet is equal to 0.042240587693 Guntha
47 Square Feet 0.0431588613385 Guntha 47 Square Feet is equal to 0.0431588613385 Guntha
48 Square Feet 0.044077134984 Guntha 48 Square Feet is equal to 0.044077134984 Guntha
49 Square Feet 0.0449954086295 Guntha 49 Square Feet is equal to 0.0449954086295 Guntha
50 Square Feet 0.045913682275 Guntha 50 Square Feet is equal to 0.045913682275 Guntha
51 Square Feet 0.0468319559205 Guntha 51 Square Feet is equal to 0.0468319559205 Guntha
52 Square Feet 0.047750229566 Guntha 52 Square Feet is equal to 0.047750229566 Guntha
53 Square Feet 0.0486685032115 Guntha 53 Square Feet is equal to 0.0486685032115 Guntha
54 Square Feet 0.049586776857 Guntha 54 Square Feet is equal to 0.049586776857 Guntha
55 Square Feet 0.0505050505025 Guntha 55 Square Feet is equal to 0.0505050505025 Guntha
56 Square Feet 0.051423324148 Guntha 56 Square Feet is equal to 0.051423324148 Guntha
57 Square Feet 0.0523415977935 Guntha 57 Square Feet is equal to 0.0523415977935 Guntha
58 Square Feet 0.053259871439 Guntha 58 Square Feet is equal to 0.053259871439 Guntha
59 Square Feet 0.0541781450845 Guntha 59 Square Feet is equal to 0.0541781450845 Guntha
60 Square Feet 0.05509641873 Guntha 60 Square Feet is equal to 0.05509641873 Guntha
61 Square Feet 0.0560146923755 Guntha 61 Square Feet is equal to 0.0560146923755 Guntha
62 Square Feet 0.056932966021 Guntha 62 Square Feet is equal to 0.056932966021 Guntha
63 Square Feet 0.0578512396665 Guntha 63 Square Feet is equal to 0.0578512396665 Guntha
64 Square Feet 0.058769513312 Guntha 64 Square Feet is equal to 0.058769513312 Guntha
65 Square Feet 0.0596877869575 Guntha 65 Square Feet is equal to 0.0596877869575 Guntha
66 Square Feet 0.060606060603 Guntha 66 Square Feet is equal to 0.060606060603 Guntha
67 Square Feet 0.0615243342485 Guntha 67 Square Feet is equal to 0.0615243342485 Guntha
68 Square Feet 0.062442607894 Guntha 68 Square Feet is equal to 0.062442607894 Guntha
69 Square Feet 0.0633608815395 Guntha 69 Square Feet is equal to 0.0633608815395 Guntha
70 Square Feet 0.064279155185 Guntha 70 Square Feet is equal to 0.064279155185 Guntha
71 Square Feet 0.0651974288305 Guntha 71 Square Feet is equal to 0.0651974288305 Guntha
72 Square Feet 0.066115702476 Guntha 72 Square Feet is equal to 0.066115702476 Guntha
73 Square Feet 0.0670339761215 Guntha 73 Square Feet is equal to 0.0670339761215 Guntha
74 Square Feet 0.067952249767 Guntha 74 Square Feet is equal to 0.067952249767 Guntha
75 Square Feet 0.0688705234125 Guntha 75 Square Feet is equal to 0.0688705234125 Guntha
76 Square Feet 0.069788797058 Guntha 76 Square Feet is equal to 0.069788797058 Guntha
77 Square Feet 0.0707070707035 Guntha 77 Square Feet is equal to 0.0707070707035 Guntha
78 Square Feet 0.071625344349 Guntha 78 Square Feet is equal to 0.071625344349 Guntha
79 Square Feet 0.0725436179945 Guntha 79 Square Feet is equal to 0.0725436179945 Guntha
80 Square Feet 0.07346189164 Guntha 80 Square Feet is equal to 0.07346189164 Guntha
81 Square Feet 0.0743801652855 Guntha 81 Square Feet is equal to 0.0743801652855 Guntha
82 Square Feet 0.075298438931 Guntha 82 Square Feet is equal to 0.075298438931 Guntha
83 Square Feet 0.0762167125765 Guntha 83 Square Feet is equal to 0.0762167125765 Guntha
84 Square Feet 0.077134986222 Guntha 84 Square Feet is equal to 0.077134986222 Guntha
85 Square Feet 0.0780532598675 Guntha 85 Square Feet is equal to 0.0780532598675 Guntha
86 Square Feet 0.078971533513 Guntha 86 Square Feet is equal to 0.078971533513 Guntha
87 Square Feet 0.0798898071585 Guntha 87 Square Feet is equal to 0.0798898071585 Guntha
88 Square Feet 0.080808080804 Guntha 88 Square Feet is equal to 0.080808080804 Guntha
89 Square Feet 0.0817263544495 Guntha 89 Square Feet is equal to 0.0817263544495 Guntha
90 Square Feet 0.082644628095 Guntha 90 Square Feet is equal to 0.082644628095 Guntha
91 Square Feet 0.0835629017405 Guntha 91 Square Feet is equal to 0.0835629017405 Guntha
92 Square Feet 0.084481175386 Guntha 92 Square Feet is equal to 0.084481175386 Guntha
93 Square Feet 0.0853994490315 Guntha 93 Square Feet is equal to 0.0853994490315 Guntha
94 Square Feet 0.086317722677 Guntha 94 Square Feet is equal to 0.086317722677 Guntha
95 Square Feet 0.0872359963225 Guntha 95 Square Feet is equal to 0.0872359963225 Guntha
96 Square Feet 0.088154269968 Guntha 96 Square Feet is equal to 0.088154269968 Guntha
97 Square Feet 0.0890725436135 Guntha 97 Square Feet is equal to 0.0890725436135 Guntha
98 Square Feet 0.089990817259 Guntha 98 Square Feet is equal to 0.089990817259 Guntha
99 Square Feet 0.0909090909045 Guntha 99 Square Feet is equal to 0.0909090909045 Guntha
100 Square Feet 0.09182736455 Guntha 100 Square Feet is equal to 0.09182736455 Guntha

Current Use of Square Feet

Square feet are used extensively for measuring available space and area of residential plots, villas, independent houses, bungalows, residential apartments or flats, commercial spaces and office spaces among other properties. They are used not just in the Indian real estate industry but also several other property markets in global nations. Square feet are used for working out available space for property listings while also being used for calculating the average price per square foot or the total pricing of any property.

Current Use of Guntha

Guntha is one of the most popular measurement units for land area throughout India. It is majorly used in Southern India and is one of the oldest such traditional units used for this purpose. Guntha has maintained its relevance even in recent times.


1. How to calculate square feet to guntha?

You only have to multiply the figure in square feet by 0.0009182736455 to arrive at the final figure in guntha. This is a really simple procedure and will not take much of your time and effort.

2. What is the formula for converting square feet to guntha?

The formula for converting square feet to guntha is given below for your benefit-
Guntha = Square Feet * 0.0009182736455.

3. How many Guntha in 1 square foot?

1 square foot contains 0.0009182736455 Guntha in total.

4. How many Square Feet in 1 guntha?

1 guntha contains 1089 square feet in all.

5. What are Square Feet and Guntha used for?

Both Square Feet and Guntha are used for measuring land area in India. The former is used throughout the world for indicating real estate space and also working out prices of properties in various categories. Guntha is majorly used in Southern India as a popular local measurement unit for land area.

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