The people selling the homes are telling lies just to sell the houses Even lift is not working. Promises made at the time of deal were not fulfilled even after 6 months of purchase. I won’t suggest to be customer here better save money and efforts.
Schools Near by Muhana | |
Pearson School, Jaipur | 5.75 KM |
RPS School, Sanganer | 6.32 KM |
Taxila Business School, Mansarovar | 8.58 KM |
Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Durgapura | 9.62 KM |
Neerja Modi School, Mansarovar | 9.91 KM |
City Connections Near by Muhana | |
Jaipur International Airport, Bajaj Nagar | 9.55 KM |
Hospitals Near by Muhana | |
Agarwal Hospital, Sanganer | 6.44 KM |
Ideal Urology Hospital, Mansarovar | 7.60 KM |
Cocoon Hospital, Durgapura | 9.58 KM |
Hotels Near by Muhana | |
Marriott Hotel, Durgapura | 9.62 KM |
Shopping Centers Near by Muhana |
Business Hubs Near by Muhana |
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