Vinay Nagar and Beena Nagar were previous names for Sarojini Nagar, while East Vinay Nagar and West Vinay Nagar were previous names for Laxmi Bai Nagar and Netaji Nagar, respectively. Named after the famous woman freedom fighter Sarojini Naidu, this colony is encircled by Safdarjung Enclave, South Extension, Laxmibai Nagar, Nauroji Nagar, Chanakyapuri and Netaji Nagar. It is close to Chanakyapuri, the location of numerous embassies and consulates, among them those of the US and Russia.
Prem Nagar is an locality in North West Delhi, New Delhi, India.
Sector 22 Rohini (4.39 Km), Sector 21 Rohini (5.06 Km), Sector 23 Rohini (6.99 Km), Budh Vihar (7.41 Km), Sector 24 Rohini (8.09 Km) are the nearby areas to Prem Nagar.
New Delhi are the nearby cities to Prem Nagar.
What’s Great About Sarojini Nagar?
Sarojini Nagar is known for its Market which is famous for fashionable Clothing. Here, you can find a bus depot, public schools, and a pharmacy. The nearby Sarojini Nagar Metro Station is also very crowded in the evening because of the market.
Social Infrastructure
G-Max Hospital is among the top medical facilities in and near Sarojini Nagar.
Chandi Hospital Om Hospital Pacific Heart Care & Polyclinic
In and near Sarojini Nagar, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalay IIT and Jee Coaching are the top institutions of learning.
Public School SBS
Rudra Science Center, Vikram Shila Gyan Mandir High School
Sarojini Nagar is located in Delhi.
Subhash Nagar – 14 km
Uttam Nagar – 17 km
Ghazipur – 17 km
Subhash Nagar – 19 mins
Uttam Nagar – 31 mins
Ghazipur – 21 mins
Subhash Nagar – Rs 285
Uttam Nagar – Rs 359
Ghazipur – Rs 345
Here, you can find a bus depot, public schools, and a pharmacy. The nearby Sarojini Nagar Metro Station is also very crowded in the evening because of the market.
4 out of 5
The metro is the most effective way to get to Sarojini Nagar. You can take an auto or walk to the market from the Sarojini Nagar metro station on the Pink Line. If you like, you can simply take a cab straight to the market.
The Shastri Nagar neighbourhood of Delhi's centre is a mix of commercial and residential areas.
Sarojini Nagar is well-known for its market, which specialises in fashionable clothing.
As part of the New Delhi Development Authority's housing programme, an expensive and posh residential neighbourhood known as Sarita Vihar was built (DDA)
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