sector 71 in Faridabad is an up and coming locality which can cater to all the basic amenities from the nearby regions.
the region has a pin code of 121004 and is in the near vicinity of sector 2, sector 68, sector 69, and sector 70.
one can find faridabad bypass road in the close vicinity of sector 71 along with many temples.
100% of the properties in this area are for sale purposes only. these properties lie in the range of approximately ?20 lac per piece.
khera village, machgarh, nawada tigaon, neemka, mortzapur, sadupura, bhuapur, and sorai, are only some of the many well- known areas near this place. it is also easy to travel to all these places.
the area is kids friendly. all of the properties in this particular region are residential plots available at really affordable and reasonable rates.
there are many banks and markets available in this region making it easy to find solutions for all the fundamental amenities needed on a daily basis.
the low property rates also make it an easy investment opportunity, as it is still considered a developing area, which can only mean that there will be an increase in rates in the near future.
it is known to be a great place to have properties as godowns or warehouses and on rent.
property rates are lower than the other areas. this is all due to the status of this locality as a developing area.
residential plots are available at a good price range which is affordable for most of the people out there.
warehouses or godowns are available at good rental prices and are also available at reasonable prices.
its a kid-friendly neighborhood proving residential plots at very affordable prices. many schools, banks, and other such establishments can be found in the nearby area.
rental properties are just to be used as godowns or warehouses. for a residential property, kbe has to purchase.
the locality is not yet fully developed and this might be an issue for some of the potential buyers or renters.
the sector 71 area may not be developed yet, but it is on its way to be a developed area. this is especially great for long term planners who can buy a residential property here and within the coming years sell it or settle here.
short term: rental spaces for warehouses or godowns can serve well for business class people looking for an affordable space. the development of this area may lead to a rise in prices of properties bought now.
long term: sector 71 area brands a great investment opportunity for families cannot afford you high end residential properties. the beginning quarter of 2021 saw an increase of 1.4 % in the price properties in this area compared to the previous quarter.
other highlights
when it comes to residential properties this locality is great as it has residential plots available at very affordable rates. if we talk about commercial properties, there are some spaces in this area available for rent but they can only be used as warehouses or godowns.
the locality is still in the developing status and has the following markets:
Ballabgarh main market
huda market
gupta consumer market
shubham market
sector 15 market
mega departmental store & dairy products
hospital of a centre any type of area:
goyal hospital
park hospital
noble hospital
geeta hospital
urocare apolo hospital
there are transit lines available near sector 71 which can be a great thing for the warehouse or godown owners.
tigaon mod bus station, sector 3 bus station are some of the many bus stations in this locality
the developing sector 71 faridabad area still has many schools banks and gyms one should know about:
rose valley international school
d a v public school
d p school
royal convent school
little millennium school
bank of baroda
indian overseas bank
state bank of india
axis bank
bank of india
health india gym
fitness hub gym
akhada the gym
magical fitness centre
aagman apartment complex can be found in the vicinity of sector 71.
popular landmarks like chandila chowk and chandawali chattri also lie at a close distance.
capital and rental trends: the properties on sale available at a very affordable rate per piece of rs. 20 lac. rental space is available for warehousing purposes only.
scope of growth: the area witnessed a growth of 1.4% in the first quarter of 2021. this will seemingly be continues in the near future too.
investment opportunities: being a developing area with scope of so much more development, the area is a great invest opportunity for investors and home buyers alike.
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