Why Should You Invest in Nandi Durg Road, Bangalore?
What’s Great About Nandi Durg Road
The nearest railway stations of the locality are Lucknow City and Lucknow Junction Ner
The locality has good accessibility to many modes of transport like bus, train, auto, cab, etc.
The locality has several reputed schools and colleges that offer quality education
Corpus Multispeciality Hospital, The South City Hospital & Trauma Center, Ashirvad Superspeciality Hospital, etc. are the major hospitals in the locality
The Software Technology Parks of India, HCL IT City are situated near the locality
What’s Not Great About Nandi Durg Road
Lack of civic amenities in the area
Far from the city center
Some roads have potholes
Pollution is a major problem in the locality
Power cuts happen during monsoon
How to Visit Nandi Durg Road, Bangalore?
Nandi Durg Road Bangalore
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