Sifa Singh Sifa loves digging deep into datasets, churning out trends, and weaving stories around them. She is a firm believer that reliable and real-time data-driven stories have the power to change the world by bringing forward insights and solutions which can guide better decisions at all levels. Being a proponent of sustainable actions, irrespective of the domain, she aspires to include ESG in all her pursuits.


30 Stories by Sifa Singh

2: Housing Sector All Set to Make New Records Amidst festivities
With both sales and new launches reflecting promising numbers, the year 2022 is expected to be a strong year for the housing sector. But...
0 4 min read
Guide to Building a Green Home
As “planet over profit” has gained prominence in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in consumer trends. More people are now preferring...
0 4 min read
More than 60% rise noted in Dubai property sales
In July 2022, recording a yearly rise of >60% in total sales volume and about 80% increase in the value of properties sold, Dubai...
0 2 min read
Top 7 Most Transacted Residential Locations in Pune (Q1 2022)
In the past few months, Pune housing segment emerged one of the strong markets and the same was corroborated by the high number of...
0 4 min read
5 Most Transacted Residential Location in Q1 2022
 In the first quarter of 2022, more than 18,000 residential sale transactions were recorded in Bangalore. Leading the charts, while Subramanayapura witnessed the maximum...
0 4 min read
UAE's rise as wealth hub in 2022
While millionaire migration is on a rise, about 88,000 HNIs are projected to relocate to new countries. Leaving behind other mighty investment destinations, with...
0 2 min read
Growing worth of real estate cross border deals defying deglobalization
Though there exist multiple success stories of convergence during the pandemic across the world, the trend of deglobalization has also surfaced in the mainstream....
0 2 min read
Growing prominence of green buildings
Built environment around the world generates about 50% of annual global CO2 emissions. However, the same industry presented green buildings as an emerging market, reaching...
0 4 min read
Demand for semi furnished homes on a rise in Q1, 2022 across top six cities
 Irrespective of the benefits provided by fully-furnished properties, they are not everyone’s preferred choice to buy or rent. Echoing similar sentiments, in Q1 2022,...
0 4 min read
With the reducing impacts of the pandemic and economies working in full swing, in the first quarter of 2022, there has been a small...
0 5 min read
With working populace returning to the cities, are more home buyers now looking for homes in IT/ITes cities
In the past few months, Covid restrictions were uplifted and a large number of offices reopened. Like the pre-pandemic times, a majority of the...
0 4 min read
Backed by high homeownership sentiments, the first quarter of 2022 also presented a positive outlook. More than 80,000 new housing units were launched across...
0 1 min read
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