Car Parking Vastu : Top Tips By Expert for Parking Space with Prosperity and Positivity with Vastu!

Car Parking Vastu

Vastu Shastra is an old discipline of construction and architecture with roots in the Atharvaveda. Vaastu Shastra, as a discipline, is a collection of architectural concepts that include design, dimension, layout, space organisation, ground preparation, and spatial geometry, which are subsequently used in building construction. In fact, Vaastu principles may be found in old buildings and monuments, demonstrating how seriously our forefathers took this discipline.

Vaastu Shastra is currently popular all over the world. The reason for this is the general yearning for harmony and peace, which Vaastu Shastra is supposed to deliver along with assurances of good health, money, and prosperity.

Vastu Shastra is founded on the scientific notion of mixing the five basic elements—earth, water, fire, air, and sky—to produce a pleasing environment. Vasthu principles used with architecture improve health, wealth, vitality, and prosperity while also making the living or working environment calm and enlightening.

Directions for Parking as Per Vastu

Sky (West) represents expansions and upgrades; Vayu (East, Northeast) represents joy and happiness; Agni (South) represents power and fame; Water (North) represents spirituality and healing; and Earth (Centre) represents stability, peace, and harmony.

Vaastu Shastra in modern times is not dissimilar to that which was practiced in ancient times. Furthermore, it has been adjusted and its methodology has altered in response to current needs. Nonetheless, the essential notion of modern-day architecture that is Vaastu-compliant, which has been inherited from the Vedic sutras, remains the same. The form of structures, as well as directions, are the two key components of the revised Vaastu. Shapes/configurations include rectangular plots, square plots, bar-shaped plots, and wheel-shaped plots, among others.

The directions include: 

  • Vayavya – North West (air), 
  • Eesanyam – North East (water), 
  • Nyruthi – South West (Earth) and 
  • Agneya – South East (fire)

In addition to these components, it incorporates 12 principles that are employed while planning a structure: 

  • Prospect 
  • Aspect
  • Privacy
  • Furniture demand 
  • Roominess 
  • Circulation 
  • Elegance
  • Sanitation 
  • Grouping 
  • Economy
  • Flexibility   
  • Other Practical Ractors

Car Garage as per Vastu 

Extending this knowledge to your Garage can only do you good! One of the initial considerations you must make when aligning your residence with vastu principles is the position of the garage.

Vastu offers particular prescriptions for many parts of your home and lifestyle, including automobile care and garage setup. The garage may indeed be concealed from view, yet it serves as the starting place for all road trips and commutes. A garage built according to vastu principles ensures long life and fortune for its owners, just as a structure built according to Vastu principles emits positivity and prosperity. The architecture of a garage has a significant impact on the longevity of a car.

According to Vastu Shastra, the optimal location for car parking and a garage is in the southwest corner, with the parking or garage facing the west or south. Parking in the Northeast should be avoided because the North and East do not appreciate any stagnant material. However, make certain that the garage walls are made of cement.

Do’s and Don’ts 

It is critical to recognise that after purchasing a brand new vehicle, we employ all safety precautions for our protection. Car parking, according to Vastu, comes into play to avoid issues and complications that cause hindrances like accidents, engine repairs, etc!

There is no hard or fast rule, or any set do’s and don’ts that will rid you of all adversities, but following some of these tips can help usher in more and more positive energy and keep mishaps at bay. 

Some Do’s that Can Help Usher in Positive Energy! 

  • The first and most important thing to do after purchasing a new vehicle is to perform a vaahan puja, which is the automobile puja, to ensure its safety and longevity. In the world of Vaastu, it is also a symbol of respect and thanks.
  • Colors such as white, cream, and yellow, or something lighter, can be used to paint the garage walls. Lighter colours signify positivity and freshness. 
  • Another monumental decision is to prevent using the compound wall as a support while building the garage walls.
  • Ensure that the garage has at least two to three feet of walking space and that it is at a safe distance from the surrounding walls. This is due to the fact that maintaining space also aids in the movement of beneficial energy around the body.
  • Additionally, one should keep the vehicle’s path clean, smooth, and maintained properly, as this aids in the generation of buoyant and cheerful vibrations.
  • Maintain a tidy and clutter-free garage. Two-wheelers should never be parked in the farthest reaches of the garage.
  • There should always be a 2-3 foot gap between the vehicles and the surrounding walls in the garage or parking area.

Some Don’ts that Can Help Usher in Positive Energy! 

  • You must prevent parking in the northeast direction since the north and east do not welcome any stagnant material.
  • To paint your garage, stay away from gloomy hues like grey, crimson, black, or violet.
  • Eliminate negativity in all situations. You can minimize the negative flow of energy from your automobile garage by making little changes such as parking orientation, cleanliness, and object relocation.
  • Avoid parking your motorcycle or four-wheeler facing south. According to Vastu Shastra, this increases the likelihood of a fire hazard. Avoid parking your vehicle facing northeast.
  • Make certain that the walls of the garage do not come in contact with the compound wall.
  • Avoid leaving the vehicle parked for an extended period of time. To keep bad energy at bay, you must operate the vehicle at least weekly, if not every day.

Make Your home Vastu-compliant with Top Vastu Consultant


The virtues of Vaastu are that it establishes a link between the physical environment and the quality of life. The knowledge of Vaastu unifies art, science, astrology and astronomy. Vastu Shastra helps to improve our life and avoid wrongdoing. As opposed to the contemporary belief that Vastu is entirely a superstition. It isn’t a myth or a superstition, Vastu is a centuries-old study used to design buildings such as palaces, as well as simple dwellings and workplaces. 

Car and Bike Vastu Parking has long been an important factor that Vastu Experts have considered since ancient times. Humanity has grown considerably since the advent of wheels, which is why we now recognise the importance of this aspect in the realm of Vaastu Shastra!

Bringing the age-old knowledge to your garage, and car parking will do no harm, if you’re a non-believer. But, the benefits and positives of the utilization of Vastu in our homes have been demonstrated time and again. With a little openness and acceptance, extend the heaping benefits of Vastu to your car space as well.


Is the South East good for car parking?

The southwest is the best direction to park larger vehicles since it ensures the vehicle’s long-term health. Park in the south-east direction to safeguard it.

What should be the car as per Vastu?

The optimal location for car parking, according to Vastu Shastra, is the south-west corner with west or south-looking directions. Parking in the direction of the North and East should be avoided because the North and East do not want any stagnant material in their areas.

Which direction is good for the owner?

The ideal direction to construct the garage door is to the north or east.

Is underground parking good as per Vastu?

As long as you park in the right direction, and the garage or parking has been constructed keeping the study of Vaastu in mind, an underground parking will not affect your vehicle in any shape or form.

Which direction should a garage face?

The garage should be facing the south west direction and should be constructed in a way that it faces the south west.

Is garage part of Vastu?

Yes, a garage is a part of a house, and everything about a house is a part of Vastu. Just like constructing a house in accordance with keeping Vastu Shastra in mind can help you and your property prosper, similarly, a garage built keeping Vastu Shastra in mind will help you and your vehicle properly and keep all adversities for your vehicle at bay.

Shivam Shivam Singh has a positive approach with keen observation skills, He is a journalist, athlete, and photographer. He loves swimming, whether it's to dive deep into the words or water. He reads extensively before he writes to hold credibility in his writing. Shivam is more into movies and theaters. He loves to write about the film industry because he knows it closely and he vastly writes in various genres, making him a complete package.
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