Numerology House Number 10 – The Complete Guide

House Number 10

Power and transformation – that’s what Indian numerology relates house number 10 with. It’s a house number associated with new beginnings, independence, and leadership. It represents qualities of ambition, success, and determination. Thus, those who reside in house number 10 are believed to possess a strong sense of individuality and are driven to achieve their goals.

This number is also associated with a sense of inner strength and self-reliance. People living in this house seem to possess an innate ability to overcome challenges and obstacles, and they are not easily deterred from their path. They are natural leaders who love to take charge and have a knack for good decision-making.

However, numerology house number 10 can also indicate a sense of restlessness and impatience. People living in this house may feel a constant drive to achieve more, which can sometimes lead to stress and burnout. They may also struggle with balancing their personal and professional lives for the same reason.

So to put it in a nutshell, this house number is one that’s full of potential. But to make the best of it, you need to have a balance in your approach.   

House Number 10 – Effects & Benefits

Here are some major effects and benefits of living in house number 10 in Indian numerology;

  • Provides a fresh start: Numerology house number 10 is considered to be a powerful number that represents new beginnings and independence. It signifies a fresh start in life and encourages individuals to take charge of their destinies.
  • Aids growth: Number 10 is associated with leadership and is believed to instil a sense of confidence and assertiveness in those who live in the house. This proves to be beneficial in both personal and professional life.
  • Fosters ambition: People living in house number 10 are believed to be highly ambitious and success-driven. They are highly headstrong individuals who do not quit till they’ve won. This determination helps them achieve their goals and attain success in their endeavours.
  • Encourages independence: The number 10 is also associated with inner strength and self-reliance. Those living in this house number are believed to possess these qualities, which can help them overcome challenges and obstacles in life – single-handedly.
  • Brings positivity: House number 10 in Indian numerology is generally considered to be a beneficial and auspicious number. It is believed to bring positive energy and good fortune to those who reside in it.

House Number 10 – Who Should Prefer?

The energies of numerology house number 10 can prove to be extremely fruitful for a particular set of individuals. For instance;

  • Ambitious individuals: House number 10 is associated with success, ambition, and determination. So naturally, this house number is lucky for people with these qualities. 
  • Independent people: The number 10 is associated with independence and self-reliance, making it an ideal choice for those who value these qualities.
  • Leaders: House number 10 also proves to be ideal for individuals who are natural leaders, as the number itself is associated with leadership and decision-making.
  • New beginners: People who are starting a new phase in their lives or embarking on a new project may find house number 10 to be an auspicious choice. The number 10 is linked with new beginnings and fresh starts, making it an ideal choice for those looking to make a major change in their lives.
  • Growth seekers: The number is associated with inner strength and determination. So those who are looking to build a strong foundation for their personal and professional growth and development may also prefer numerology house number 10. 
  • Transformation seekers: Individuals who are drawn to the transformative power of the number 10 may also prefer house number 10. The number is believed to bring positive energy and good fortune to those who reside in it, making it an ideal choice for those desiring personal and spiritual growth.

House Number 10 – Who Should Avoid?

Numerology house number 10 is filled with powerful energies that suit only a handful of individuals. If you’re one of the following types of individuals, avoid a house with the number 10, as it may cause more harm than good:

  • Methodical individuals: The number is associated with restlessness and impatience. So, residing in this house number can be challenging for those who prefer a more steady, planned, and consistent lifestyle.
  • Risk-averse individuals: People who are not comfortable with taking risks or abandoning their comfort zone should also avoid house number 10.
  • Followers: Those who struggle with taking the lead may also want to avoid house number 10. If you are more of a submissive individual, the energies of this house number will do you no good. 
  • Relaxed individuals: Individuals who are not looking for significant personal or professional growth will not find house number 10 to be a suitable choice. The number is associated with inner strength and determination, which may not be desirable for those who prefer a more relaxed and less challenging lifestyle.
  • Stagnant individuals: The number 10 is believed to bring significant changes and upheaval. So, people who are not seeking growth may also want to avoid this house number.
  • Superstitious people: It is important to choose a house number that resonates positively with an individual’s beliefs and experiences. So those who believe in negative superstitions or have had negative experiences with the number 10 should highly avoid this house number. 

Do’s And Don’ts For House Number 10 

To reap the benefits offered by numerology house number 10, here are some do’s and don’ts you should follow:


  • Use the leadership and decision-making energies associated with the house number to take charge of your life and achieve your goals.
  • Embrace the transformative energy and use it to bring positive changes into your life.
  • Cultivate a sense of determination and inner strength to overcome obstacles and challenges.
  • Develop a sense of independence and self-reliance.
  • Celebrate new beginnings and embrace change.
  • Create a positive and harmonious living environment.


  • Do not let the energy of numerology house number 10 overwhelm you. Find balance and manage stress levels to avoid burnout.
  • Do not ignore the spiritual and personal growth potential of house number 10.
  • Do not become too focused on individual success and forget the importance of collaboration and teamwork.
  • Avoid becoming too restless or impatient.
  • Do not be too stubborn or inflexible in your approach.
  • Avoid becoming too aggressive or dominating in your leadership style.

Wrapping Up

House number 10 in Indian numerology is full of energy – so much so that it can help you in reaching your full potential, both personally and professionally. 

So if you’re a driven, ambitious person who’s seeking new opportunities or a person who’s looking at a new phase in life, house number 10 and its aura will help you in the course of becoming your best version. 


Is number 10 a good house number?

In Indian numerology, house number 10 promotes self-dependency and empowerment. So, it’s considered a good house number.

What does house number 10 mean in numerology?

In numerology, house number 10 signifies the fulfilment of a cycle. In simple words, it stands for new beginnings. 

What is house number 10 in Vastu?

In Vastu, house number 10 symbolises the conclusion of an important phase in life. So, it is believed to be ideal for those seeking new beginnings.

What is house number 10 in Indian numerology?

In Indian numerology, house number 10 is a powerful house number that is considered exceptionally fruitful for people beginning a new phase in life. 

Is number 10 lucky or unlucky?

Yes, house number 10 is believed to be lucky in Indian numerology.

Krittika Barua Organized, vocal and everything in between. An editor by profession and a writer by heart, Krittika is passionate about weaving words with simplicity. She’s a dog lover obsessed with Microsoft Excel.
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