House Number 8 – Everything You Need To Know About Numerology

House Number 8 Numerology

Are you considering purchasing a house that is numbered 8 or whose numerals add up to 8? Do you know the significance of the numerology house number 8 and whether or not it would be compatible with you and your family? This guide will take you through everything you need to know about the numerology for house number 8, its effects and benefits, who it’s meant for, and who should avoid it, among much more.

House Number 8 in Indian Numerology

In numerology, the number 8 represents power, wealth, and success. Therefore, as per numerology, house number 8 is considered to be one of the most prosperous and lucky numbers for a house. It’s believed that people who live in a house with the number 8 have a higher chance of achieving financial stability, career success, and material wealth.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The number 8 also has a reputation for being associated with challenges and obstacles. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the energy that this number carries and how it could affect your life.

House Number 8: Effects and Benefits

There are several effects and benefits of living in a house with the numerology number 8. Some of these benefits include the following:

  1. Financial stability and success: One of the most significant benefits of living in a numerology house number 8 is that it can promote financial stability and success. People who live in a house with this number are believed to have a higher chance of achieving wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
  2. Career success: The energy of house number 8 is also associated with career success. Therefore, living in a house with this number can help bring career opportunities, promotions, and success in business.
  3. Good fortune: Number 8 is considered to be a lucky number in many cultures. Therefore, living in a house with this number can bring good fortune and positive energy into your life.
  4. Material wealth: Number 8 is also associated with material wealth and abundance. Therefore, living in a house with this number can attract material possessions and wealth.
  5. Strength and power: Since time immemorial, the number 8 has been associated with strength and power. Therefore, living in a house with this number can help you gain inner strength and resilience.

Numerology House Number 8: Who Should Prefer This?

Given that house number 8 in numerology has specific characteristics and benefits, it’s ideal for a certain group of people. In this section, we discuss who should choose house number 8 to attain these benefits mentioned above in their lives and careers.

House number 8 is ideal for those who are ambitious, driven, and focused on achieving success in their career and financial stability. Therefore, this house is ideal for the following individuals:

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners will benefit from the energy of house number 8, as it can help them attract success and financial stability. The strong Saturnian energy associated with this house number is particularly favourable for those who are willing to work hard and take calculated risks to achieve their goals.
  • Professionals in high-paying jobs, such as doctors, lawyers, and executives, will also benefit from the energy of house number 8. This house number is associated with material success and financial abundance, which can help professionals achieve their career goals and aspirations.
  • Investors who are looking to achieve financial success through their investments should consider living in a house with the number 8. This house number is associated with financial gain and can help investors attract good fortune and success in their financial endeavours.
  • Individuals who are focused on achieving material wealth and abundance can benefit greatly from living in a house with the number 8. The energy associated with this house number is particularly favourable for those who are willing to work hard and take the necessary steps to achieve their goals.
  • Finally, people who are looking to gain inner strength and resilience can benefit from the energy of house number 8. The strong Saturnian energy associated with this house number can help individuals develop the discipline, patience, and perseverance needed to overcome life’s challenges and achieve their goals.

Numerology House Number 8: Who Should Avoid?

Numerology house number 8 is considered a powerful number associated with success, wealth, and abundance. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals who should avoid living in a house with the number 8 include:

  • Individuals who have a history of legal issues: The number 8 is associated with power, authority, and justice, which may attract legal issues. People who have a history of legal troubles or lawsuits may want to avoid living in a house with house number 8.
  • Those who have a fear of success: While house number 8 is associated with success and abundance, some individuals may have a fear of success and the responsibilities it brings with it. Thus, they may find the energy of this house overwhelming.
  • People who have a difficult relationship with their father: House number 8 is associated with the father, and living in a house with this number may bring up unresolved issues with one’s father or father figure.
  • Individuals who struggle with control issues: The powerful energy of house number 8 may amplify control issues in some individuals. Those who have a tendency to micromanage or struggle with relinquishing control may find it challenging to live in a house with this number.
  • People who are not willing to put in hard work: The energy of house number 8 is associated with hard work, discipline, and perseverance. Individuals who are not willing to put in the effort to achieve their goals may not be able to fully harness the energy of this house.

The Do’s And Don’ts for House Number 8

Living in a numerology house number 8 can be beneficial for those who are ready for change and seeking success. However, there are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  • Do prioritise your finances: House number 8 is associated with wealth, but it’s important to manage your finances carefully to avoid financial challenges.
  • Do take care of your health: House number 8 is associated with the physical body and can attract health issues. It’s essential to take care of your health and well-being while living in this house.


  • Don’t misuse power: House number 8 is associated with authority and power, but it’s important to use it wisely and ethically. Misusing power can lead to negative consequences.
  • Don’t ignore your intuition: House number 8 is associated with intuition and inner wisdom. Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice while living in this house.

To Sum Up

In conclusion, the numerology house number 8 is often linked with attributes such as success, wealth, and authority. Nevertheless, it may not be an ideal choice for everyone, especially those who value tranquillity or face financial difficulties. For those who choose to reside in a house with this number, it is advisable to focus on managing their finances, maintaining good health, exercising power judiciously, and trusting their inner voice to fully harness the benefits of this house number’s energy.


Is number 8 a good house number?

In numerology, house number 8 is associated with abundance, success, and power. It is considered to be a very lucky number for those who are looking to achieve financial prosperity and stability in their lives.

What does house number 8 mean in numerology?

In numerology, house number 8 is believed to hold the energies of wealth, power, success, and authority. It is a number that represents material success and achievement through hard work and determination.

What is house number 8 in Vastu?

In Vastu, house number 8 is considered to be a very auspicious number as it represents the element of earth and is associated with stability and grounding. It is also believed to be a very lucky number for business and financial success.

What is house number 8 in Indian numerology?

In Indian numerology, house number 8 is associated with wealth, prosperity, and financial abundance. It is believed to be a very powerful number that can bring success and achievement to those who live in it.

Is number 8 lucky or unlucky?

In numerology, the number 8 is generally considered to be a lucky number as it is associated with success, abundance, and power. However, it is important to note that the energy of the number 8 can also be challenging and may require hard work and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Krittika Barua Organized, vocal and everything in between. An editor by profession and a writer by heart, Krittika is passionate about weaving words with simplicity. She’s a dog lover obsessed with Microsoft Excel.
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