Proptech Pioneers- Tanuj Shori featured in key report

Proptech Pioneers- Tanuj Shori featured in key report

Founder and CEO at Square Yards, Tanuj Shori, has been featured as one of Asia’s foremost proptech pioneers and innovators in the newly released report named Forward March (Property Report) by PropertyGuru. Emphasizing on disruption of the real estate industry in Asia, the report highlights key nuances of Shori’s journey and how Square Yards was born. 

With a sizable presence in Abu Dhabi, Singapore and multiple other global hubs for NRIs (non resident Indians), Square Yards offers investors/buyers with the best tools for simplifying the property buying process in India. Tanuj and Kanika Gupta Shori were hunting for investment opportunities in Indian real estate back in the year 2012 when they found out, much to their chagrin, that NRIs can have a harrowing time when returning to invest in their home soil. Even though India has approximately 17.5 million NRIs worldwide and thousands of them return each year to India, the prospects and logistics of navigating the Indian housing market can be immensely intimidating at best. 

Tanuj Shori discovered how India did not have any reliable and transparent real estate portal and was daunted by the prospect of dealing with diverse brokers/agents, most of whom lacked data transparency and were fully unregulated back then. Being a man who wished to get a job done thoroughly, Shori and his wife left successful careers in Hong Kong to return to India and launch their brand Square Yards. Shori initially mapped vital data points linked to several top projects, subsequently facilitating deep analysis of the reward-risk prospects for end-users and prospective investors alike. 

Square is today India’s foremost transaction platform for real estate online, being the top pan-India distributor (by revenues) in case of primary and Residential Real Estate. The company has a presence in 6 countries and 21 cities including vital NRI hubs like Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, London and Singapore.

Also read : COVID-19 could present a hidden opportunity for Indian real estate according to Tanuj Shori

Shori admits towards exceeding his own expectations for proptech growth in the domestic and global markets alike. Square Yards has now evolved into a major hub for research with cutting-edge features including need-based recommendation engines, city heat maps, rating parameters for connectivity, carpet area, neighborhood lifestyle reviews and livability quotients. After establishing its presence in the NRI category, Shori and his team set up Scapes, a dedicated real estate e-commerce platform with real-time inventory choosing, 360-degree virtual walkthroughs, augmented 3D projects, portfolio and payments tracking, etc. for developers and customers alike. He is also working on future proptech disruptions while stating that innovation should always be fully inclusive and benefit home buyers above all else. Shori talks of how the entire real estate transaction value chain has now been automated, right from presales (online virtual tours, 3D walkthroughs) to real-time inventory blocking, multiple payment gateways and post-sales for online application submission with digital signatures. Property transactions have increased by a whopping 58% from the previous month as noted for May, 2020 after the brand’s shift towards completely Digital Real Estate transactions/sales.

For a detailed report on this read the articles we were featured in PropertyGuru Magazine

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