Vastu tips for your new home!

Vastu Tips

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, offers valuable insights into creating a harmonious living environment. By aligning your home with Vastu principles, you can enhance positive energy, promote well-being, and create a sense of balance in your living space. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore pro-Vastu tips that you can implement in your new home. Whether you’re building a house from scratch or moving into an existing property, these tips will help you create a space that radiates positive vibes and supports your overall well-being.

Entrance and Main Door

The entrance and main door of your home hold great significance in Vastu. Ensure that the main door opens in a clockwise direction and is well-maintained. Avoid any obstructions near the entrance, such as clutter or overgrown plants. Decorate the entrance with auspicious symbols or a beautiful doormat to welcome positive energy into your home.

Placement of Rooms

The placement of rooms in your home can greatly impact the flow of energy. The ideal placement of rooms according to Vastu principles is as follows:

Place the master bedroom in the southwest direction for peace and stability.

The living room should be in the northeast or north direction to attract positive energy.

The kitchen should be located in the southeast and ensure that the cook faces east while preparing meals.

Avoid placing the bathroom adjacent to the kitchen or dining area.

Colors and Decor

Colors play a vital role in influencing the energy of a space. Choose colors that align with the desired energy of each room. For instance, opt for soothing colors like light blue or green for the bedroom to promote relaxation and restful sleep. Use vibrant colors like orange or yellow in the living room to stimulate conversation and positive interactions. Incorporate natural elements like plants, artwork, and crystals to enhance the energy and aesthetics of your home.

Furniture Placement ft. Vastu

The placement of furniture can impact the flow of energy and create a harmonious environment. Ensure that furniture is arranged in a way that allows for easy movement and promotes a balanced energy flow. Avoid placing furniture with sharp edges or corners, as they can create negative energy. Use natural materials for furniture and avoid cluttering the space, as a clean and organized living area allows for better energy circulation.

Lighting and Ventilation

Ample natural light and good ventilation are essential for a positive living space. Open up curtains and blinds during the day to allow natural light to enter your home. Use full-spectrum bulbs or LED lights to mimic natural daylight in rooms with limited sunlight. Proper ventilation helps in maintaining fresh and positive energy throughout the house. Ensure that windows and doors can be opened easily to allow the flow of fresh air.

Sacred Space and Altar Vastu

Create a sacred space or altar in your home to connect with divine energy. Choose a peaceful corner and adorn it with spiritual symbols, statues, or sacred texts according to your beliefs. Spend time in this space for meditation, reflection, or prayer to enhance the positive energy in your home. Keep the altar clean and clutter-free, and light candles or incense for a serene atmosphere.

Clutter-Free Environment

Maintaining a clutter-free environment is essential in Vastu. Clutter disrupts the flow of energy and can lead to stress and anxiety. Regularly declutter your home and remove any unnecessary items. Organize your belongings in a systematic manner to create a sense of order and harmony. Cleanse and energize your space by smudging with sage or using natural cleansing agents.

Garden and Outdoor Spaces: What vastu recommends?

If you have a garden or outdoor space, incorporate Vastu principles to create a positive outdoor environment. Plant auspicious trees and flowers that promote positive energy. Avoid thorny plants or trees that cast a shadow over the house. Create a seating area or a small water feature to attract positive energy and create a serene outdoor space for relaxation and contemplation.


Incorporating pro-Vastu tips in your new home can create a balanced and harmonious living environment. By following the principles of Vastu Shastra, you can enhance positive energy flow, promote well-being, and create a sense of peace and tranquility. From the placement of rooms to the choice of colors, furniture arrangement, and maintaining a clutter-free space, every aspect contributes to the overall positive energy of your home. Embrace these pro-Vastu tips and transform your new house into a sanctuary that nurtures and supports your well-being.


Q1: Is Vastu Shastra applicable only to new homes?

No, Vastu Shastra can be applied to both new homes and existing properties. If you are moving into an existing home, you can make adjustments and implement Vastu principles to create a more positive living environment.

Q2: Can following Vastu principles really impact the energy of a home?

While there is no scientific evidence to support the impact of Vastu principles, many people believe that aligning their homes with Vastu guidelines can improve the overall energy flow and create a more balanced and positive living environment.

Q3: Do I have to strictly follow all Vastu guidelines?

Following Vastu guidelines is a personal choice. You can choose to implement as many principles as you feel comfortable with. Even incorporating a few key principles can make a difference in creating a more harmonious living space.

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