Top 3 Investment Hot Spots for Real Estate Investors



  1. United States


U.S. is one of the dynamic countries to enjoy a positive outlook for the real estate investment sector. As the economic recovery gathers pace, the housing market of United States has relished 3 years of growth. The price trend has definitely gone up about 30% when compared to the past price trend of 2009. The most impressive and attractive investment deals is offered by San Francisco as the city has huge growth potential. The Silicon Valley has encouraged interest in the city for real estate investments with the help of which USA has secured its place as one of the country’s best performing housing markets.

  1. United Arab Emirates


The next position real estate investment destination is occupied by UAE, a country with vigorous potential for wealth creation. With the dynamic growth surge and sudden pitfall in the real estate matrix in the past, the UAE real estate market is getting stable with a bright future ahead.

  1. United Kingdom


United Kingdom is a beloved destination for the investor segment, be it National or International as it makes the most of its reputation as a safe haven for foreign investors.  It continue to remain among the top five real estate investment spots in the world. A Large amount of sovereign capital are coming from Asia and Middle East to London.  A significant amount of interest is generated among the investors Due to the buoyant primary residential market of Central London. Be it for sale or rental, the keen investors have tentatively started to develop and refurbish property.

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