Broom Vastu Tips: How to Keep a Broom at Home?

Vastu Tips For Placing Broom at Home

The principles of Vastu Shastra help in balancing out the negative elements of your abode to allow positive vibrations to prevail. Having knowledge on how to keep a broom Vastu at home is one such element that is guided by Vastu Shastra. 

There is immense importance to a broom Vastu, and something as insignificant as focusing on the position might also affect the harmony of your home. The slightest defect in the positioning of brooms might result in grave effects on wealth, health, family relationships, etc. In this article, you will learn about the auspiciousness of the broom and a few tips for you to consider while placing your broom in the house. 

Importance of Broom Vastu

Brooms are considered to be auspicious according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. The story behind the belief is that when the goddess Laxmi visited Vaikunth, she used a broomstick to cleanse the place. Hence, brooms are believed to be an embodiment of the goddess. It is suggested that if you keep the broom as per the directions of Vastu, it might result in an influx of wealth for you and your family. 

Vastu defines that a house must always be kept clean to inculcate peace and harmony in the home. Moreover, a clean home also repels poverty and negativity. 

Where to Keep Brooms and Mops as per Vastu?

When you are keeping the broom inside the house, it must always be positioned in the southwest direction. The broom must never be placed in any other direction. Also, ensure that you do not keep the broom on the terrace or in your home’s roof, as it might result in an outflow of money through thefts or other forms. 

The broom must never be kept in the northeast corner of the house. According to popular belief, keeping the broom in this direction hampers the growth and prosperity of the members and results in a loss of happiness.

How to Keep Broom at Home

  1. Using a broom at home in accordance with Vastu requires following certain rules to maintain cleanliness and pleasant energy.
  2. It is recommended to keep the broom neatly stored, ideally in a designated area like a kitchen corner or utility area. To stop the spread of bad energy, avoid putting the broom out in the open in living areas.
  3. Furthermore, the broom must be held upright, with the bristles pointing upward, to represent efficiency and preparedness.
  4. Brooms and other cleaning supplies should be kept in the southeast corner of the house since it is connected to the fire element and cleanliness.
  5. As a well-maintained cleaning item, clean the broom on a regular basis and replace it if the bristles are worn out.

Keeping the Broom Vastu Hidden

According to the principles of Vastu, the broom should be kept away from the eyes of the onlookers. Ensure that the broom is never placed in an upside-down, standing, or inverted position. The apt position to keep the broom is in the resting position or when it is lying down. If kept in any other position, it might result in a loss of money. 

Placement of Broom at Night

Abiding by the principles of Vastu, the broom should be kept outside the house at night, especially near the main gate. Ensure that you lay down the broom instead of keeping it in a vertical standing position. This tends to protect your abode from the influx of negative energy when you are sleeping. However, do not forget to hide the broom back inside the house once the sun rises.      

Can We Keep Broom in the Kitchen?

It is guided by Vastu that a broom should not be kept at the place where you are cooking or eating, as it might result in the reduction of food grains in the house. It might also lead to a decline in the family member’s health. 

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Can We keep Broom in Balcony

Although keeping a broom on the balcony isn’t strictly forbidden by Vastu, it’s always a good idea to keep cleaning supplies in a designated utility area or somewhere that is out of sight from the main living area. Practically speaking, the balcony may not be the best place to store a broom because of its exposure to the environment, dust, and possible public observation.

Additional Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Restrain from broaching the house, immediately after someone leaves your house as it puts the person’s life in danger.
  • Using broomsticks after the sun sets also leads to bad wealth.     
  • It is recommended that whenever you shift homes or move to a new place, you should clean the house with a fresh broom as it results in good health and positivity. This technique helps in mitigating the Vastu doshas in the home.
  • Avoid touching the broomstick with your legs as, according to the Vastu, it hurts the sentiments of Goddess Laxmi if done on purpose.
  • Using a broken broom is strictly prohibited, as it is considered inauspicious to fix the broom and use it again. 
  • Do not keep the broom in your bedroom.

When to Buy a Broom?

During the Krishna Paksha

Buying a broom at an auspicious time and date pleases Goddess Laxmi and invites her to the home. As per the sayings of the scriptures, it is ideal to buy a broom during the time of the Lord of the Universe. However, it is not considered ideal to purchase brooms during Schullpak as it invites negative energies into the home.

During Deepawali

It is very auspicious to buy a broom during Deepawali. A new broom invites Lakshmi Mata into the house, leading to prosperity and an abundance of money. 


Where should we keep brooms as per Vastu?

The broom must be kept in the Southwest corner of the home.

Should we keep the broom standing?

The broom should never be kept in the standing position as it results in the deterioration of the house. It should be laid down on the ground.

Which day is considered good for replacing brooms?

Saturday is considered the best day to replace the old brooms in your home.

When should I start brooming my house?

You should begin brooming one hour after a member leaves the house.

Where should I put my dustbin in the house?

You can place a dustbin in the West of North West, South of South West, South of South East, or East of South East.

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