Electronic Vehicle in Chandigarh still Not Accepted Entirely

Ev Vehicles in chandigarh

The sale of electric vehicles in Chandigarh is not performing effectively as people are still not convinced to buy EVs (electric vehicles). However, the Chandigarh government released a “Chandigarh EV policy 2022” policy to make people more enthusiastic about buying EVs. The Chandigarh EV policy 2022 will be released soon.

As per the reports, only 683 electric vehicle registration in Chandigarh is done so far in Nineteen months (January 2021 – July 2022). The reasons may be higher prices, lesser options to charge the vehicles, and no clarity about saving fuel or the future of EVs.  

Source: TOI

However, the electric vehicle registration in Chandigarh is increased this year. As of 2021, there were not even 10 EVs registered within three months. But in April 2022, 74 EVs were registered, and in June 2022, the registration of 67 EVs took place. 

The government also wants to make people understand how important it is to reduce noise and air pollution. Once people are habitual of EVs, the fleet of 358 diesel buses will completely be removed with the electric ones by 2027-28 as a part of the Green Mobility initiative the central government takes. 

There will be 40 more electric buses and 40 new electric uses at the beginning of the second phase to help local passengers commute. Moreover, Home Minister Amir Shah flagged 5 electric buses from the Punjab Raj Bahwan. Soon there will be an electric vehicle subsidy in Punjab.

Arushi Jain Fiercely creative and insanely productive, Arushi Jain is a content writer at Square Yards. Writing since she was fourteen, she aims to publish a novel someday. When not writing, she’s scrolling her Instagram feed or crossing items off her food bucket list.
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