Kilograms to Metric Tons (kg to mt) Conversion – kg to mt

1 Kilogram is equal to 0.00 Ton

  • Kilogram
  • Carat
  • Gram
  • Miligram
  • Ounce
  • Metric Ton
  • Pound
  • Stone
  • Microgram
  • Ton

Kilograms to Metric Tons

At first the conversion of Kilogram to Metric Ton appears like a complex task to perform, but if use the right kind of formula along with appropriate steps for conversion the process of calculation is totally an easy task to perform. Don’t worry, no questions asked, it’s all easy!

But ethically, before even letting you get familiar with the calculation topic it is important for you to know the correct meaning of both the statements, the relation that they share and of course how they are both different from each other. No, don’t stress out, we’ve got you covered.

What is Kilogram?

A kilogram is basically used to measure the mass according to the International System of Units. The abbreviation used for kilogram is a symbol ‘kg’ which is used in various field such as products, business, engineering, science & weight measurement in the entire world. You will also see individuals calling it a kilo in their daily routine. Initially, it was defined as mass for 1L of water for the year 1795, which is now described according to meter & second. 

What is Metric Ton?

Metric Ton is normally known from the name of Tonne, which is considered to be metric value of a mass. One metric ton is equal to thousand kilograms. It is also assumed that a thousand liters of water or pure water consists of an absolute 1 metric ton for the usage of mass measurement. The abbreviation to constitute metric ton is a simple symbol of ‘t’.

Relationship between Kilograms and Metric Tons

A Kilogram & a Metric Ton is for sure different from each other in various aspects, but as any other relationship these two also share some kind of relation and to be honest to understand that relationship between the two is quite easy.

The Relationship between Kilogram & Metric Ton is represented in the following manner:

Weight in a metric ton is equivalent to a ratio of weight in Kilograms to thousand.

1 Kilogram = 0.001 Metric Ton

Metric Ton = Kilogram / 1000

1 metric Ton = 1000kg


1kg = 1000 grams

Important Note: Remembering this relation between the two units will always act as a beneficial point when trying out the process of conversion.

How to Convert from Kilograms to Metric Tons?

Converting Kilogram to Metric Tons also known as Tonne, can come out to be a complex task when one is not aware or familiar with the relationship between the two units. But because we have already understood the relationship between the two units above, therefore converting these units will be an easy task to process.

In order to convert Kilogram to Metric Ton, you simply need to divide the value of Kilogram by the numerical 1000. The result that now you see after the multiplication would come out in metric ton.

It is definitely as easy as it is sounding.

So, to give our promise weigh we have some examples and formulas that will help you convert the same to make the calculation process easy for you and so that you don’t get stuck at any step.

Formula for Converting Kilograms to Metric tons

The process of deriving formula for Kilogram to Metric Ton is a simple form of calculation. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is the theory of mathematical expression.

Therefore, the formula of converting the Ton to Metric Ton is demonstrated as follows: 

Metric Ton = Kilogram/1000.

Now, the fact that you have understood the formula, let’s get onto some examples in order to give you better understanding of the same formula, so that the process of conversion becomes easy for you.

Kilograms to Metric tons Conversion Example

Example1: Convert 65 Kilogram to Metric Tons

Solution: After placing the unit of Ton into the formula above, the result will be

Kilogram = 65 / 1000 = 0.065 metric tons

Therefore, 65 Kilogram is equal to 0.065 metric tons

Example2: Convert 2 Kilogram to Metric Tons

Solution: After placing the unit of Ton into the formula above, the result will be

Kilogram = 2 / 1000 = 0.002 metric tons

Therefore, 2 Kilogram is equal to 0.002 metric tons

Example3: Convert 33 Kilogram to Metric Tons

Solution: After placing the unit of Ton into the formula above, the result will be

Kilogram = 33 / 1000 = 0.033 metric tons

Therefore, 33 Kilogram is equal to 0.033 metric tons

Example4: Convert 84 Kilogram to Metric Tons

Solution: After placing the unit of Ton into the formula above, the result will be

Kilogram = 84 / 1000 = 0.084 metric tons

Therefore, 65 Kilogram is equal to 0.084 metric tons

Kilograms to Metric Tons Conversion Table

Kilograms Metric Tons Kg to Metric Tons
1 Kilograms 0.001 Metric Tons 1 Kg is equal to 0.001 Metric Tons
2 Kilograms 0.002 Metric Tons 2 Kg is equal to 0.002 Metric Tons
3 Kilograms 0.003 Metric Tons 3 Kg is equal to 0.003 Metric Tons
4 Kilograms 0.004 Metric Tons 4 Kg is equal to 0.004 Metric Tons
5 Kilograms 0.005 Metric Tons 5 Kg is equal to 0.005 Metric Tons
6 Kilograms 0.006 Metric Tons 6 Kg is equal to 0.006 Metric Tons
7 Kilograms 0.007 Metric Tons 7 Kg is equal to 0.007 Metric Tons
8 Kilograms 0.008 Metric Tons 8 Kg is equal to 0.008 Metric Tons
9 Kilograms 0.009 Metric Tons 9 Kg is equal to 0.009 Metric Tons
10 Kilograms 0.01 Metric Tons 10 Kg is equal to 0.01 Metric Tons
11 Kilograms 0.011 Metric Tons 11 Kg is equal to 0.011 Metric Tons
12 Kilograms 0.012 Metric Tons 12 Kg is equal to 0.012 Metric Tons
13 Kilograms 0.013 Metric Tons 13 Kg is equal to 0.013 Metric Tons
14 Kilograms 0.014 Metric Tons 14 Kg is equal to 0.014 Metric Tons
15 Kilograms 0.015 Metric Tons 15 Kg is equal to 0.015 Metric Tons
16 Kilograms 0.016 Metric Tons 16 Kg is equal to 0.016 Metric Tons
17 Kilograms 0.017 Metric Tons 17 Kg is equal to 0.017 Metric Tons
18 Kilograms 0.018 Metric Tons 18 Kg is equal to 0.018 Metric Tons
19 Kilograms 0.019 Metric Tons 19 Kg is equal to 0.019 Metric Tons
20 Kilograms 0.02 Metric Tons 20 Kg is equal to 0.02 Metric Tons
21 Kilograms 0.021 Metric Tons 21 Kg is equal to 0.021 Metric Tons
22 Kilograms 0.022 Metric Tons 22 Kg is equal to 0.022 Metric Tons
23 Kilograms 0.023 Metric Tons 23 Kg is equal to 0.023 Metric Tons
24 Kilograms 0.024 Metric Tons 24 Kg is equal to 0.024 Metric Tons
25 Kilograms 0.025 Metric Tons 25 Kg is equal to 0.025 Metric Tons
26 Kilograms 0.026 Metric Tons 26 Kg is equal to 0.026 Metric Tons
27 Kilograms 0.027 Metric Tons 27 Kg is equal to 0.027 Metric Tons
28 Kilograms 0.028 Metric Tons 28 Kg is equal to 0.028 Metric Tons
29 Kilograms 0.029 Metric Tons 29 Kg is equal to 0.029 Metric Tons
30 Kilograms 0.03 Metric Tons 30 Kg is equal to 0.03 Metric Tons
31 Kilograms 0.031 Metric Tons 31 Kg is equal to 0.031 Metric Tons
32 Kilograms 0.032 Metric Tons 32 Kg is equal to 0.032 Metric Tons
33 Kilograms 0.033 Metric Tons 33 Kg is equal to 0.033 Metric Tons
34 Kilograms 0.034 Metric Tons 34 Kg is equal to 0.034 Metric Tons
35 Kilograms 0.035 Metric Tons 35 Kg is equal to 0.035 Metric Tons
36 Kilograms 0.036 Metric Tons 36 Kg is equal to 0.036 Metric Tons
37 Kilograms 0.037 Metric Tons 37 Kg is equal to 0.037 Metric Tons
38 Kilograms 0.038 Metric Tons 38 Kg is equal to 0.038 Metric Tons
39 Kilograms 0.039 Metric Tons 39 Kg is equal to 0.039 Metric Tons
40 Kilograms 0.04 Metric Tons 40 Kg is equal to 0.04 Metric Tons
41 Kilograms 0.041 Metric Tons 41 Kg is equal to 0.041 Metric Tons
42 Kilograms 0.042 Metric Tons 42 Kg is equal to 0.042 Metric Tons
43 Kilograms 0.043 Metric Tons 43 Kg is equal to 0.043 Metric Tons
44 Kilograms 0.044 Metric Tons 44 Kg is equal to 0.044 Metric Tons
45 Kilograms 0.045 Metric Tons 45 Kg is equal to 0.045 Metric Tons
46 Kilograms 0.046 Metric Tons 46 Kg is equal to 0.046 Metric Tons
47 Kilograms 0.047 Metric Tons 47 Kg is equal to 0.047 Metric Tons
48 Kilograms 0.048 Metric Tons 48 Kg is equal to 0.048 Metric Tons
49 Kilograms 0.049 Metric Tons 49 Kg is equal to 0.049 Metric Tons
50 Kilograms 0.05 Metric Tons 50 Kg  is equal to 0.05 Metric Tons
51 Kilograms 0.051 Metric Tons 51 Kg is equal to 0.051 Metric Tons
52 Kilograms 0.052 Metric Tons 52 Kg is equal to 0.052 Metric Tons
53 Kilograms 0.053 Metric Tons 53 Kg is equal to 0.053 Metric Tons
54 Kilograms 0.054 Metric Tons 54 Kg is equal to 0.054 Metric Tons
55 Kilograms 0.055 Metric Tons 55 Kg is equal to 0.055 Metric Tons
56 Kilograms 0.056 Metric Tons 56 Kg is equal to 0.056 Metric Tons
57 Kilograms 0.057 Metric Tons 57 Kg is equal to 0.057 Metric Tons
58 Kilograms 0.058 Metric Tons 58 Kg is equal to 0.058 Metric Tons
59 Kilograms 0.059 Metric Tons 59 Kg is equal to 0.059 Metric Tons
60 Kilograms 0.06 Metric Tons 60 Kg is equal to 0.06 Metric Tons
61 Kilograms 0.061 Metric Tons 61 Kg is equal to 0.061 Metric Tons
62 Kilograms 0.062 Metric Tons 62 Kg is equal to 0.062 Metric Tons
63 Kilograms 0.063 Metric Tons 63 Kg is equal to 0.063 Metric Tons
64 Kilograms 0.064 Metric Tons 64 Kg is equal to 0.064 Metric Tons
65 Kilograms 0.065 Metric Tons 65 Kg is equal to 0.065 Metric Tons
66 Kilograms 0.066 Metric Tons 66 Kg is equal to 0.066 Metric Tons
67 Kilograms 0.067 Metric Tons 67 Kg is equal to 0.067 Metric Tons
68 Kilograms 0.068 Metric Tons 68 Kg is equal to 0.068 Metric Tons
69 Kilograms 0.069 Metric Tons 69 Kg is equal to 0.069 Metric Tons
70 Kilograms 0.07 Metric Tons 70 Kg is equal to 0.07 Metric Tons
71 Kilograms 0.071 Metric Tons 71 Kg is equal to 0.071 Metric Tons
72 Kilograms 0.072 Metric Tons 72 Kg is equal to 0.072 Metric Tons
73 Kilograms 0.073 Metric Tons 73 Kg is equal to 0.073 Metric Tons
74 Kilograms 0.074 Metric Tons 74 Kg is equal to 0.074 Metric Tons
75 Kilograms 0.075 Metric Tons 75 Kg is equal to 0.075 Metric Tons
76 Kilograms 0.076 Metric Tons 76 Kg is equal to 0.076 Metric Tons
77 Kilograms 0.077 Metric Tons 77 Kg is equal to 0.077 Metric Tons
78 Kilograms 0.078 Metric Tons 78 Kg is equal to 0.078 Metric Tons
79 Kilograms 0.079 Metric Tons 79 Kg is equal to 0.079 Metric Tons
80 Kilograms 0.08 Metric Tons 80 Kg is equal to 0.08 Metric Tons
81 Kilograms 0.081 Metric Tons 81 Kg is equal to 0.081 Metric Tons
82 Kilograms 0.082 Metric Tons 82 Kilograms is equal to 0.082 Metric Tons
83 Kilograms 0.083 Metric Tons 83 Kg is equal to 0.083 Metric Tons
84 Kilograms 0.084 Metric Tons 84 Kg is equal to 0.084 Metric Tons
85 Kilograms 0.085 Metric Tons 85 Kg is equal to 0.085 Metric Tons
86 Kilograms 0.086 Metric Tons 86 Kg is equal to 0.086 Metric Tons
87 Kilograms 0.087 Metric Tons 87 Kg is equal to 0.087 Metric Tons
88 Kilograms 0.088 Metric Tons 88 Kg is equal to 0.088 Metric Tons
89 Kilograms 0.089 Metric Tons 89 Kg is equal to 0.089 Metric Tons
90 Kilograms 0.09 Metric Tons 90 Kg is equal to 0.09 Metric Tons
91 Kilograms 0.091 Metric Tons 91 Kg is equal to 0.091 Metric Tons
92 Kilograms 0.092 Metric Tons 92 Kg is equal to 0.092 Metric Tons
93 Kilograms 0.093 Metric Tons 93 Kg is equal to 0.093 Metric Tons
94 Kilograms 0.094 Metric Tons 94 Kg is equal to 0.094 Metric Tons
95 Kilograms 0.095 Metric Tons 95 Kg is equal to 0.095 Metric Tons
96 Kilograms 0.096 Metric Tons 96 Kg is equal to 0.096 Metric Tons
97 Kilograms 0.097 Metric Tons 97 Kg is equal to 0.097 Metric Tons
98 Kilograms 0.098 Metric Tons 98 Kg is equal to 0.098 Metric Tons
99 Kilograms 0.099 Metric Tons 99 Kg is equal to 0.099 Metric Tons
100 Kilograms 0.1 Metric Tons 100 Kg is equal to 0.1 Metric Tons
Basis of Comparison Kilograms Metric Tons
Meaning A kilogram is basically used to measure the mass according to the International System of Units. The abbreviation used for kilogram is a symbol ‘kg’ which is used in various field such as products, business, engineering, science & weight measurement in the entire world Metric Ton is normally known from the name of Tonne, which is considered to be metric value of a mass. One metric ton is equal to thousand kilograms. It is also assumed that a thousand liters of water or pure water consists of an absolute 1 metric ton for the usage of mass measurement. The abbreviation to constitute metric ton is a simple symbol of ‘t’.
Abbreviations kg mt
Formula 1 Kilogram = 0.001 Metric Ton or mt 1 metric Ton = 1000 kilograms or kg
Size One Kilograms is smaller than a metric ton. One Metric Ton  is bigger than a kilogram.
Usage The abbreviation used for kilogram is a symbol ‘kg’ which is used in various field such as products, business, engineering, science & weight measurement in the entire world. You will also see individuals calling it a kilo in their daily routine A metric ton is used in many countries apart from U.S. Like a ton a metric is also used to do the measurement of an objects weight, measurement of energy & the measurement of volume.



Applicability It is used in countries like UK, US, Australia and New Zealand. It’s mainly used within the UK, Canada and Australia.
Acceptance A kilogram is basically used to measure the mass according to the International System of Units.  It is a customary unit of measurement within the United Kingdom and the United States.

Current Use of Kilograms

The abbreviation used for kilogram is a symbol ‘kg’ which is used in various field such as products, business, engineering, science & weight measurement in the entire world. You will also see individuals calling it a kilo in their daily routine. Initially, it was defined as mass for 1L of water for the year 1795, which is now described according to meter & second. 

Current Use of Metric Tons

One metric ton is equal to thousand kilograms. It is also assumed that a thousand liters of water or pure water consists of an absolute 1 metric ton for the usage of mass measurement. The abbreviation to constitute metric ton is a simple symbol of ‘t’. A metric ton is used in many countries apart from U.S. Like a ton a metric is also used to do the measurement of an objects weight, measurement of energy & the measurement of volume.

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FAQ’s About Kilograms to Metric Tons

Q.1 How to calculate Kilograms to Metric Tons?

Ans: In order to convert kilogram to a metric ton we simply need to divide the unit of kilogram by 1000.

Q.2 What is the formula for converting kilograms to metric tons?

Ans: Deriving formula for Kilogram to Metric Ton is a simple form of calculation.

The formula of converting the Ton to Metric Ton is demonstrated as follows: 

Metric Ton = Kilogram/1000.

Q.3 How many metric tons in 1 kilogram?

Ans: Metric Ton is equivalent to kilograms divided by 1000.

Q.4 How many kilograms in 1 metric ton?

Ans: 1000 Kilograms is equivalent to 1 metric ton.

Q.5 What are kilograms and metric tons used for?

Ans: A kilogram is defined as mass for 1L of water for the year 1795, which is now described according to meter & second.  A metric ton thousand liters of water or pure water consists of an absolute 1 metric ton for the usage of mass measurement.


Tamanna Shivhare An exceptional writer who can connect with her writing is what Tamanna always wanted to be. The journey of writing was simply a step to present her best self and thoughts to the world.Tamanna has a knack for reading blogs and finding more ways in which she can improve and add magic to her writing.
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