Standing tall even while the Earth Quakes

The recent earthquake in Nepal was an eye opener for one and all. A natural disaster of this magnitude can become more tragic because of the faulty structures. Here are a couple of structures around the world that are built with an earthquake resistant technology. Something that should be a way forward for places like Nepal that are sitting on seismic ground.

  • Istanbul’s International Airport Sabiha Gön is the world’s largest earthquake-proof building. Named after the world’s first woman combat pilot, this new 2 million square-foot structure is capable of withstanding an earthquake of the magnitude 8.0. It is also designed in a way that it will remain completely operational after an earthquake. It has been built with the help of new seismic building technology and advanced computer simulations that are able to predict how a building will react in order to keep it safe.


  • Taipei 101 is a landmark skyscraper located Taipei,Taiwan. This magnificent tower is built to withstand the typhoon and earthquake tremors common in the area. The structure can withstand gale winds of 60 m/s (197 ft/s, 216 km/h, 134 mph) and the strongest earthquakes likely to occur in a 2,500 year cycle. The tuned mass damper, also known as a harmonic absorber, is a device mounted in the structure to reduce the amplitude of mechanical vibrations. Their application can prevent discomfort, damage, or outright structure failure.


  • One Rincon Hill South Towers in San Francisco, was completed in 2008 contains high-speed elevators with special features for moving residents effectively, and a large water tank designed to help the skyscraper withstand strong winds and earthquakes. Both skyscrapers and the townhomes contain a total of 709 residential units.


  • Tokyo Skytree in Japan is the tallest structure in the world. The tower has seismic proofing, including a central shaft made of reinforced concrete. The main internal pillar is attached to the outer tower structure 125 meters (410 ft) above ground. From there until 375 meters (1,230 ft) the pillar is attached to the tower frame with oil dampers, which act as cushions during an earthquake. According to the designers, the dampers can absorb 50 percent of the energy from an earthquake.
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